Liberal journalists furious that Andrew Sullivan called Sarah Jeong’s racist tweets racist

The left is ticked off at New York Magazine columnist Andrew Sullivan and they won’t stop until they get blood! He penned an article that blasted The New York Times for keeping Sarah Jeong despite her history of tweeting out racist tweets against white people.

How DARE he think racism is racism! In his article he stated that he doesn’t think the publication should fire her.

Sullivan wrote:

But the alternative view — that of today’s political left — is that Jeong definitionally cannot be racist, because she’s both a woman and a racial minority. Racism against whites, in this neo-Marxist view, just “isn’t a thing” — just as misandry literally cannot exist at all. And this is because, in this paradigm, racism has nothing to do with a person’s willingness to pre-judge people by the color of their skin, or to make broad, ugly generalizations about whole groups of people, based on hoary stereotypes. Rather, racism is entirely institutional and systemic, a function of power, and therefore it can only be expressed by the powerful — i.e., primarily white, straight men. For a nonwhite female, like Sarah Jeong, it is simply impossible. In the religion of social constructionism, Jeong, by virtue of being an Asian woman, is one of the elect, incapable of the sin of racism or group prejudice. All she is doing is resisting whiteness and maleness, which indeed require resistance every second of the day.That’s why Jeong hasn’t apologized to the white people she denigrated or conceded that her tweets were racist. Nor has she taken responsibility for them. Her statement actually blames her ugly tweets on trolls whose online harassment of her prompted her to respond in turn. She was merely “counter-trolling.” She says her tweets, which were not responses to any individual, were also “not aimed at a general audience,” and now understands that these tweets were “hurtful” and won’t do them again. The New York Times also buys this argument: “her journalism and the fact that she is a young Asian woman have made her a subject of frequent online harassment. For a period of time, she responded to that harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers.”

The left has lost their damn mind over this.

Sullivan doesn’t think The New York Times should fire her “in part because they largely share her views on race, gender, and oppression.” But he also doesn’t want publications to “give in to those mobs” who call for the firing of people because “they are just feeding a voracious beast.” Sullivan points out “that Jeong has a long record of cheering online mobs when they target people she dislikes.”

Sullivan continued:

The editors of the Verge, where Jeong still works, described any assertion of racism in Jeong’s tweets as “dishonest and outrageous,” a function of bad faith and an attack on journalism itself. Scroll through left-Twitter and you find utter incredulity that demonizing white people could in any way be offensive. That’s the extent to which loathing of and contempt for “white people” is now background noise on the left. What many don’t seem to understand is that their view of racism isn’t shared by the public at large, and that the defense of it by institutions like the New York Times will only serve to deepen the kind of resentment that gave us Trump. Last night, for instance, Fox News made the most of the Times’ excuses for race-baiting.Yes, we all live on campus now. The neo-Marxist analysis of society, in which we are all mere appendages of various groups of oppressors and oppressed, and in which the oppressed definitionally cannot be at fault, is now the governing philosophy of almost all liberal media. That’s how the Washington Post can provide a platform for raw misandry, and the New York Times can hire and defend someone who expresses racial hatred. The great thing about being in the social justice movement is how liberating it can feel to give voice to incendiary, satisfying bigotry — and know that you’re still on the right side of history.

That is my personal problem with The New York Times. In my blog post about Jeong, I didn’t make too big of a deal about Jeong’s gross tweets. Instead, I blasted the publication over its blatant hypocrisy. They hired and fired writer Quinn Norton in February of this year after her old tweets came to light that included slurs against gay people.

I concluded:

Racism is racism. Harassment or anything of the sort never justifies your racist behavior. Why is it not okay to have racist views towards blacks or Asians, but totally okay with having racist views towards white people? Why is it not okay to hate Muslims, but okay to hate Jews and Christians?Guess what. ALL racism is bad and sucks. ALL hatred towards any religion sucks.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: NY Times, Racism, Social Justice