Good for her. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of media coverage the event gets.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Kent State grad famous for posing with AR-10 is returning for campus rallyKent State University graduate Kaitlin Bennett is holding an open carry rally at the university in the fall after gaining Internet popularity for graduation photos in which she posed with an AR-10.The university prohibits students, staff, and faculty from carrying “deadly weapons” on its campus, but since Bennett has graduated, she is permitted to carry a weapon there, according to The rally will take place on Sept. 29 and will involve “a great lineup of speakers,” according to a tweet Bennett posted on Friday, along with a link to the rally’s GoFundMe page which has raised $370 of its $3,000 goal so far.The advertisement for the rally displays Bennett’s gun-carrying graduation pictures and invites people to “Join Liberty Hangout, Infowars, and the triggered millennials at Kent State University on Saturday September 29th as Kaitlin Bennett hosts an open carry rally.”Bennett has more than 94,000 Twitter followers and has been interviewed by “Fox & Friends” and the Washington Post about her graduation photos. She also received Internet attention after challenging David Hogg, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting and vocal proponent of gun control, to an arm wrestling match.