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Eastern Germany Hit by Riots after Deadly Stabbing Spree

Eastern Germany Hit by Riots after Deadly Stabbing Spree

Demonstrators chant “Merkel must go” and “Close the borders”

The fatal stabbing of a German by a group of migrants has triggered riots in the eastern German city of Chemnitz. Several thousand demonstrators took to the streets on Monday night calling for an end to Chancellor Merkel’s open borders policy, media reports say.

Around two thousand right-wing protesters clashed with a thousand left-wing counter-demonstrators on Monday evening, according to German media reports. Earlier, hundreds gathered in the city center on Sunday after a 35 year-old man died after being stabbed at the town fair. Two men, of Syrian and Iraqi origin, were arrested in connection with the killing.

The local newspaper Thüringer Allgemeine covered the clashes on Monday:

Demonstrations held by right- and left-wing protesters in the Chemnitz inner city on Monday evening left at least two people injured. The police didn’t rule out that the number [of causalities] could rise. Fireworks and objects were reportedly hurled. The eyewitnesses talk about an aggressive atmosphere.

On Sunday, a spontaneous demonstration that took place after the death of a 35 year-old German at the town fair had turned against immigrants. Bottles and stones were thrown at the police. Video footage in internet show how migrants were attacked and “down right hunted.” [Translated by the author]

In recent years, Germany has witnessed several large demonstrations against the government’s open borders policy, but the level of violence and anger displayed in Chemnitz took the police and politicians by surprise.

Police initially underestimated the public outrage over the killing and was unprepared to handle agitated demonstrators who in their thousands chanted “Merkel must go” and “Close the borders”. “We were shocked by the size of the crowds that passed us by,” Robert Gruner, spokesman for the city of Chemnitz told reporters.

German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported that on Monday night “a large contingent of police officers was keeping apart some 1,000 right-wing demonstrators from an equally large nearby group of counter-protesters. However, as the crowds grew increasingly rowdy, protesters from both sides hurled pyrotechnics and other objects at each other, leaving several people injured and requiring hospital treatment.”

Chancellor Merkel condemned the “right-wing violence,” but did not mention the brutal murder that led to the rioting.

Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) also condemned the violence. “The AfD expressly distances itself from any form of violence and expressly warns against participation in the demonstrations that have been called today by the NPD among others,” said AfD leader in the State of Saxony, Jörg Urban.

Since Chancellor Merkel opened Germany’s borders to unregulated migration in the spring of 2015, the country has been hit by a wave of violent crimes and Islamist terror attacks carried out by immigrants.

After a series of deadly stabbings involving migrant attackers earlier this year, Germany’s national police trade union urged Merkel’s government to deport foreign stabbers and introduce new laws against knife crimes. “Young Arabs” are importing a culture of knife violence into the country,” claimed DPoLG, Germany’s national police union. Needless to say, Merkel’s government failed to take any legislative action to stem the surging stabbing epidemic.

The latest round of violence in Chemnitz should come as a wake-up call for Chancellor Merkel and Germany’s ruling political elite who have brought their country on the brink of chaos with their open door immigration policy.

Video: Protests in east German city

[Cover image via YouTube]


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This dog is vicious, it bites when you stab it.

Remember, everyone: When the German press talks about “right wing” they mean maybe slightly to the right of Mao and Uncle Joe. There is no “right wing” in Germany by American standards. They have a choice between Left, Further Left, Extreme Left, and Looney Left — and that’s the way they like it. Those groups or individuals labeled as “right wing” or “neo-Nazi” are simply National Socialists instead of International Socialists. By our standards they are all lefties, collectivists, and socialists.

It will only get worse from here. The anger over these stupid and dangerous immigration policies has been building for years, and when it finally does explode, there will be no safe place in Europe for the corrupt politicians who aided and abetted the invasion.

    rabidfox in reply to Observer. | August 28, 2018 at 3:45 pm

    We can hope.

    I’m not so sure. The post notes that there were just as many protesters against the people calling for the border to close, as in favor. And both sides threw (apparently) molotov cocktails.

    That doesn’t sound like a sweep for any particular point of view. It sounds like the prelude to a civil war.

    I’ve been predicting that the EU will fall into a civil war for years now. I would hate to be right.

      MikeyParks in reply to irv. | August 28, 2018 at 4:19 pm

      I’m thinking that the “open borders” protesters were Muzzies. Of course they don’t want to lose their gravy train.

    audax in reply to Observer. | August 30, 2018 at 4:10 am

    Accept here in Slovakia. As the former Prime Minister Fico said “There are no mosques in Slovakia, nor will there ever be mosques in Slovakia.” They don’t let any of the so called Islamic “immigrants” in, though several Christian families from the Middle East have been allowed in temporarily.

Let me guess. The eastern Europeans had all kinds of problems solved by mass Islamic migration.

    audax in reply to Arminius. | August 30, 2018 at 4:11 am

    As the former Prime Minister Fico said “There are no mosques in Slovakia, nor will there ever be mosques in Slovakia.”

Germany is experiencing what it looks like when the ‘wrong people’ are right. It was only a matter of time before fed up citizens acted when the government failed to. The right wingers have 3 enemies: Merkel, Muslims and leftists.

That one response by Merkel is a perfect example of why I loathe politicians.

Presidents, and I would assume Chancellors too, are elected to protect the citizens of their country not pander to murderous immigrants.

Remember the kerfuffle when Trump refused to take in ‘refugees’ Australia had already accepted with the expectations the US, under President Hillary, and promises from Obama, would take in? The SHTF until the MSM found something else to bitch about. Once again, Trump proved right. Otherwise, we’d be having MORE problems than Germany is now.

These ‘people’ aren’t refugees. They’re invaders, with a purpose.

    Arminius in reply to RITaxpayer. | August 29, 2018 at 9:52 am

    Me: “We didn’t steal your land. Does the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ring a bell?”

    (Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic)

    Mexican President: “You stole our land. And what’s worse, you stole all the land with decent roads, working toilets, and electricity!”

    The serious point is that that if we seized a buffer zone in northern Mexico it would look like Arizona in a year. No more cardboard shacks. If by some accident of God Mexico seized our southern tier it would look like Chihauhau state in the same amount of time.

    If the cartels keep it up we might just wind up seizing Mexican territory. And before I get banned I need to add that nothing I’m saying is to be construed as an insult to the Mexican people. It’s an insult to the Mexican government, which is an insult to the fine people of Mexico. My family came from a one donkey village in Southern Italy.

    “MSG Roy Benavidez speech 1991”

    I’ve never been able to confirm this, but the acronym “Tango Mike Mike” means “This Means Mexican!” As in, “We are in trouble, send your best.”

    I love the part when he says, “That’s too much for one day.”

Close The Fed | August 28, 2018 at 2:27 pm

Rebellion is needed, or a coup. It’s better to eject the foreigners now, while their number can be overwhelmed with few casualties, than to wait until they take over and we reenter a Dark Ages.

Right now, everywhere, the government is the problem. Well, except perhaps Italy. We had a huge advantage in 1776 – the enemy was based overseas. With the government among us, and putting in jail those who are willing to take on the risks of solving the problem, the future is bleak, bleak, bleak.

There is video floating around, from Austria IIRC, taken at a town or city hall meeting. The citizens there were clearly growing short on patience when it came to one subject: the regular harassment being dished out by Muslim migrants towards the local girls. By “girls” I do not just mean young women, or teenagers, but females at least as young as ten years of age.

The politician answered the crowd with this suggestion: They, the citizens, should not “antagonize” the newcomers.

This is a recipe for mayhem.

Reminds one of Germany in the 1920’s when left and right were shooting at each other in the streets of Berlin. Genug!

“…but the level of violence and anger displayed in Chemnitz took the police and politicians by surprise.”

Seriously? What planet were they napping on? This whole open border insanity is a powder keg and the Germans (et al) are giving off sparks.

There’s only so many rapes, stabbings, bombings, mass murder by vehicles, etc. a society will tolerate before armed revolt takes out the perpetrators and the politicians who enable this cultural suicide.

    “We were shocked by the size of the crowds that passed us by,”

    Just shows they’ve had their heads lodged in their glutes

    The Europeans seem to have a far greater ability to absorb the insults and attacks without doing anything about it. I guess those who would take action to rectify the situation either emigrated or died in the trenches of WW I and the front lines of WW II. A shame, really. Europe is on a near irrevocable course to the conversion of the great cathedrals (Dom in Germany) to mosques.

Import the third world, become the third world. So simple really.

    Arminius in reply to MAJack. | August 29, 2018 at 9:23 am

    It is immoral to and racist to 1) deny entry to Central Americans who are fleeing gang violence and OH by the way 2) call MS-13 gang members animals and deny them entry as well.

“Demonstrations held by right- and left-wing protesters in the Chemnitz inner city ..”

Really? 1000 “left-wing” people spontaneously got off their couches to show SUPPORT for murder? Who were these 1000 left-wing people? Inner city Muslims? Were they bussed in? Were they green party members celebrating the recent decline in human population?

The pogroms have officially begun. No amount of police force will stop it now. Idiots.

She opened the boarders in spring of 2015? 3 and one half years? My, how time flies when you’re being invaded.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | August 28, 2018 at 3:57 pm

About Time.

Police initially underestimated the public outrage over the killing and was unprepared to handle agitated demonstrators

They’re not prepared to handle homicidal Muslims, and they’re not prepared to handle the population which is fed up with homicidal Muslims. It doesn’t sound like the police are prepared to do much.

But they are ready to ban pointy things, like the UK.

“Around two thousand right-wing protesters clashed with a thousand left-wing counter-demonstrators on Monday evening”

Only us far, far, far right off the scale so far to the right we are fascists are ever upset about stabbings.

    Edward in reply to Arminius. | September 2, 2018 at 10:08 am

    Fascists are Socialists of the Nationalist flavor. Unless, of course, you are invoking the continuuum where continuing “rightward” results in landing on “Left”.

“Police initially underestimated the public outrage over the killing…”

That says quite something.

“…from an equally large nearby group of counter-protesters…”

How sick do you have to be to counter protest a a protest against a murder spree?

If I show up to a protest about a stabbing spree, I’m goint to be on the against side.

“Video footage in internet show how migrants were attacked and “down right hunted.”

The Germans are reaping what they’ve sown. By censoring their people and repeatedly covering up heinous crimes, they just bottled up the anger until it exploded.

If it keeps up much longer, they may get another genocide or wave of political assassinations.

All of this was avoidable, but some people are control freaks.

The clash of cultures returns. Europeans drove Islam back to the middle east hundreds of years ago. Will they do it again? Why did they think it would be different this time?

    Walker Evans in reply to Mark. | August 30, 2018 at 1:22 am

    Why did they think it would be different this time? Because the Europeans have gotten soft, and the Islamic Supremacists, haven’t. Will (can) they do it again? Only if the EU wakes up and toughens up, and there is no sign of this so far.

    I expected the new Caliphate to take over as far West as Turkey; now it appears that it may reach all the way to the English Channel!

As a second generation American with roots in Saxony, it’s about time the Saxons were fed up with Mutti Merkel and her insane immigration program.