Colorado State University Now Has a “Feminist Fight Club”
“You MUST talk about the Feminist Fight Club”

They should pitch this to networks as a new TV show. Lots of people would watch.
The College Fix reports:
‘Feminist Fight Club’ at public university teaches participants how to raise their testosterone
Activists at Colorado State University have created a “Feminist Fight Club” where participants will learn about “interrupting problematic behaviors” and confronting “subtle sexism” on the public university’s campus. Group members will also learn how to raise their testosterone by posing their bodies in certain ways.
The group, formed this past school year, teaches students to use “fight moves” outlined in the book “Feminist Fight Club” by author Jessica Bennett. These “moves” will address “problematic behaviors that disadvantage women and other marginalized groups in the workplace,” according to the program’s website.
Some of the problematic behaviors listed in the group’s six-part discussion guide are “manterrupting,” which is when a man interrupts a woman; and “bropropriation,” defined as “when a man appropriates a woman’s idea.” Members are encouraged to fight a “mannterrupter” by “interrupting an interrupter on behalf of your fellow woman.”
Just like the movie “Fight Club” starring Brad Pitt—in which a group of disaffected men start a brutal fight club and eventually become anti-corporate terrorists—Colorado State’s Feminist Fight Club has rules, among them: “You MUST talk about the Feminist Fight Club at CSU,” “we fight PATRIARCHY (and all forms of harassment, bullying, inequity, discrimination, -isms, and -phobias), not each other,” and “the fight is not over until we have achieved gender equity for all people.”

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They could do pretty well if they wear bikinis and fight in a bowl of jello.