Case Western Reserve U. Students Can Now Choose From 20 Gender Identities on Forms

Imagine the time and energy that went into compiling these gender identities and determining which ones belonged on the approved list. reports:

Case Western Reserve University students can choose gender identity on university formsCase Western Reserve University’s updated student information system will allow students to indicate gender identity.University applications and forms can often be difficult for those who identify with a different gender identity than the sex assigned at birth. It can also lead to problems in the classroom when professors work off of university information to refer to their students. CWRU students can pick from 20 different gender identities, according to Cleveland Scene.The university worked extensively with its LGBT Center on the update. “Students who are misgendered experience a range of emotion and realities — a student might feel humiliated, unsafe, under scrutiny by classmates and/or pressured to affirm or deny the misgendering,” directors Liz Roccoforte and Assistant Director AmariYah Israel told Scene. The choice will appear on class and advisor rosters.

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