Brown University Administration Sends Mixed Messages on Illegal Drug Use

It looks like the administration is trying to have it both ways. Perhaps it’s an attempt to cover the school for legal purposes.

The College Fix reports:

At Brown University, mixed messages on illegal drug useThe administration at Brown University offers students mixed messages on the matter of illegal drug use, ordering them not to take illegal substances while at the same time offering tips and advice on how to do it “safely.”The Ivy League school denies that it may be encouraging drug use, insisting instead that it is attempting to “educate students on short- and long-term consequences, risks and dangers” of illegal substance usage.In several places on Brown’s website, the school clearly affirms that students are to refrain from taking illegal drugs.On the Student Conduct section of its site, the school says that the university “expects its students and employees to abide by all federal, state, and local laws with respect to drugs and alcohol.” It’s citing the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, a law that mandates drug prevention programs for any institution receiving federal aid.“Brown University students are expected to comply with all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to drugs and alcohol. The illegal possession, use, provision, sale, or possession with the intent to sell, of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited by University regulations,” the website states further.Under the school’s official Code of Student Conduct, meanwhile, illegal drugs – both their possession and use – are explicitly forbidden by Brown.These unambiguous mandates to refrain from illegal drug use while at Brown contrast with the school’s “BWell” health promotion campaign, which offers more equivocal advice on the use of outlawed substances…The site’s literature on various types of drugs also seems to imply that some illegal drug use can be acceptable or safe. Under the sub-sections for the drugs ecstasy and ketamine, for instance, students are taught how to recognize “problematic” usage of these drugs, suggesting that the BWell campaign believes there can be non-problematic usage of these substances.

Tags: Brown University, College Insurrection