Allen West Offers Good Advice to Conservative College Students
“the challenge of our time is to make sure that this constitutional republic is maintained”

Students would be wise to heed West’s words. Left wing students make their beliefs known on campus and so should those on the right.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Allen West to conservative students: ‘Don’t fall back’ when people call you names
Former Rep. Allen West issued a rallying call Tuesday to conservative millennials amid socialism’s rise in popularity in the United States.
“I know that this generation is going to step up. Why? Because every generation in the United States of America has stepped up and met the challenge of their time, and the challenge of our time is to make sure that this constitutional republic is maintained, sustained and preserves for future generations” the former Florida congressman said while addressing the 40th National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C., put on each year by Young America’s Foundation.
West said conservative students need to be on the offensive, arguing a defensive stance is no way to win an argument.
“Most people today don’t really know what they believe in,” West said. “And it’s so important you stand with that courage to be able to educate them. Don’t fall back because when they call you names. That’s what they want; they want you to back away,” West said.
During his talk, West emphasized the importance of having a clear understanding of the concept of liberty in the Western tradition, saying the Left has tactically redefined these words in order to further their political agenda.
“I’m not like antifa … these guys are really confused, they say that they are anti-fascism, but yet if I try to go to a college campus, they try to shut me down from speaking there,” West said.

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re: “West said…. arguing a defensive stance is no way to win an argument.”
Absolutely agree. The Pro-Life movement has learned this over the past few years and conservatives are learning this now, starting with the Tea Party movement. Winning over the world-view of a country takes more than mere voting or the violence of Antifa.