Young America’s Foundation Bringing Dinesh D’Souza to College Campuses This Year
“a new exclusive campus lecture tour”
This is great news. D’Souza is quite talented at debating campus progressives.
The YAF blog reports:
Dinesh D’Souza And YAF Partner Exclusively To Bring Conservative Ideas To America’s Embattled Campuses
Through a new exclusive campus lecture tour with Dinesh D’Souza, Young America’s Foundation will bring the New York Times bestselling author and filmmaker’s conservative message to students who are eager to hear conservative ideas across the country during the 2018-2019 academic year.
In a phone call to longtime Young America’s Foundation ally Dinesh D’Souza last week, President Donald Trump reiterated his desire for D’Souza “to be out there, to be a bigger voice than ever, defending the principles that [we] believe in.”
Young America’s Foundation is fulfilling President Trump’s wishes by ensuring just that.
“As the past three and a half decades prove, Young America’s Foundation and Dinesh D’Souza make an unstoppable team when it comes to boldly advancing conservative ideas for the rising generation,” said YAF spokesman Spencer Brown. “YAF is proud to be the exclusive campus partner of Dinesh D’Souza as we prepare for the coming school year that’s certain to present new challenges to free speech and conservative activism. Young America’s Foundation never backs down, and neither does Dinesh D’Souza.”
Dinesh D’Souza and Young America’s Foundation have worked together for more than 35 years to advance and defend freedom’s principles at some of the most inhospitable campuses for conservatives.
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