University of Vermont to Host ‘White Privilege’ Retreat

Why is academia so intent on dividing people by race?

The Washington Examiner reports:

University to host white privilege retreat where Caucasian students examine their livesA public university in Vermont will host a weekend retreat for Caucasian students during the 2018-19 school year where participants will spend three days focusing on topics related to white privilege.The University of Vermont has renewed their annual “Examining White Identity: A Retreat for Undergraduate Students Who Self-Identify as White” weekend event for the upcoming school year. According to the event website, participants will be treated to a variety of events designed to ensure that they understand the impact that their white privilege has on the University of Vermont community.Students will have the opportunity to “conceptualize and articulate whiteness from a personal and systematic lens, recognize and understand white privilege from an individual experience and the impact of white privilege on the UVM community and beyond,” the retreat description reads.Throughout the weekend, students will focus on a variety of questions related to their “whiteness,” including complex queries such as “what does it mean to be white?” as well as “how does whiteness impact you?”

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