#OccupyLafayettePark Protest Outside White House: Another Clintonworld Subterfuge

Leftists are currently engaged in an ongoing protest outside the White House which is apparently intended to be as loud and annoying as possible.

The new effort is dubbed #OccupyLafayettePark and one of the lead organizers behind it is Hillary Clinton adviser Adam Parkhomenko.

Aris Folley reports at The Hill:

Anti-Trump protests outside White House continue into fifth nightA former adviser to Hillary Clinton brought a hip hop band and dancers to the White House for the fifth night of a multi-day protest on Friday.Adam Parkhomenko has been organizing the “Occupy Lafayette Park” protests since President Trump’s controversial summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.Footage captured from the Friday protest shows protesters standing along the White House fence holding signs that read “Treason” as the group performs.For the first night of protests, hundreds of people came to “welcome” Trump back from Helsinki on Monday night and have been returning to the park every night since, ostensibly to keep Trump from getting a good night’s sleep.

The best part?

The president is not at the White House this weekend. He left for his New Jersey golf club earlier on Friday.

This is basically resistance style street theater designed to make leftists feel better. According to Parkhomenko’s Twitter feed, it’s working:

All the best people are there, including Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti and former “Who’s the Boss?” star, Alyssa Milano:

Another Hillary adviser named Philippe Reines, who is regularly featured on FOX News for some reason, is also part of the protest:

Lost in all the noise is the fact that none of these people are offering an alternative idea or policy. They just hate Trump and that’s all there is. This is nothing more than people working out their anger.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Progressives, Trump Derangement Syndrome, White House