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Law Prof Suggests College Women can Kill Their Alleged Rapists

Law Prof Suggests College Women can Kill Their Alleged Rapists

“In many states, it is considered self-defense to kill a rapist.”

To say these remarks were irresponsible is an understatement.

The College Fix reports:

Law professor recommends telling college women they can kill their alleged rapists

If you want to end “rape culture” on campus, kill the men?

An adjunct professor of sexual violence law at New England Law-Boston is suggesting vigilante justice as a way to get colleges to tilt their Title IX adjudication proceedings even further toward accusers.

Wendy Murphy, who also directs the Women’s and Children’s Advocacy Project at the law school, tweeted about a teenager who was sentenced to five years in prison in Sudan for killing her husband as he tried to have sex with her against her will.

And then the former prosecutor connected legally permissible marital rape in Sudan to alcohol-fueled hookups on American college campuses:

In many states, it is considered self-defense to kill a rapist. Women don’t know this about their rights. They need to be educated & trained. If campus victims knew they had a right to kill, schools would FINALLY do a good job preventing rape, to avoid all the dead bodies. #MeToo


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She’s right, this is called self defense. But it has to occur while the violence is being committed, you can’t do it after the fact.

johnnycab23513 | July 13, 2018 at 8:48 am

What recourse does the accused have when it is shown the accuser/killer was lying?

Since the word “rape” means anything a woman wants it to mean, this advice is tantamount to proposing murdering at whim, without practical restraint.

As, yes. The conditions on American college campuses and in the Sudan being so very similar.

The stupidity emanating from our institutions of higher learning is truly shocking.

joseph of steel | July 13, 2018 at 3:26 pm

So…umm….how would they kill these guys? Because it would seem that it would be inherently wrong to use guns or to have guns on campus. Gun control and all that, right? Would be hypocritical for these leftist academes to rail against the use, ownership and existence of guns….and then use them. And we if there is one thing a leftist academe is not…’s a hypocrite.

That begs the question: Does Ms. Murphy support campus carry?

ccscientist | July 17, 2018 at 9:43 pm

When SJWs insist that the guy not saying please properly is rape, that not calling the next day is rape, there is going to be an awful lot of killing on campus.

“In many states, a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is considered a good start.”

.. but I don’t recommend trying it

fulldroolcup | July 22, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Wendy Murphy used to show up on Boston radio to discuss women’s rights and sexual violence.

If she’s still today pushing out the bullbleep about campus rape statistics, she’s obviously become a crank and a hack.

I now suspect that to get her license to practice law, she must have been “admitted in” w/o taking a bar exam, or maybe she just took one of those “cafe” multi-state exams, where you can just click on multiple choices. None of those essay exams —ick! Hard!

Otherwise, how to explain this utter mish-mash? This encyclopedia of misinformation?

The right of self defense is not a right to kill anyone. When circumstances and your reasonable reading of those circumstances give you the right to use deadly force your intent cannot be death for your assailant. You have only the right to stop him to protect yourself. He may die but so long as you do only that which is necessary to stop the threat, you will not be held criminally responsible. If your intent is to kill him then it’s murder not self defense.

The right of self defense is neither obvious nor simple. It has several elements that will be carefully examined. If what you did doesn’t include all the necessary elements, it was not self defense. The law of self defense is complex enough that someone wrote of a whole book about it.