EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has Resigned

Scott Pruitt has resigned from his post as administrator of the EPA. President Donald Trump took to Twitter, saying he accepted Pruitt’s resignation and that Pruitt’s deputy Andrew Wheeler will take over.

Here is Pruitt’s letter:

Pruitt found it “extremely difficult” to step down from his role, but “the unrelenting attacks” on him and his family “are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of” them.

A New York Times article reported that Pruitt faced “13 federal inquiries into his spending and management practices.” From Fox News:

Earlier this month House Democrats asked the Justice Department to investigate Pruitt for potential criminal conduct, alleging that he repeatedly violated federal anti-corruption laws by seeking to leverage his government position for personal gain. They cited the condo arrangement as well as Pruitt directing an EPA aide to contact a senior Chick-fil-A executive as part of an effort to land his family a franchise, and a $2,000 payment to his wife from organizers of a conference Pruitt then attended at taxpayer expense.Pruitt had also faced questions about his frequent travel, spending between $2,000 and $2,600 on first-class plane tickets back to his home state of Oklahoma.Another controversy saw Pruitt come under fire for allegedly approving pay raises for two of his staff members using a little-known provision in the Safe Drinking Water Act after the White House refused to sign off on the increases. When asked about the raises by Fox News this past April, Pruitt said he had just found out about them and was taking action to correct them.

The media has piled onto Pruitt since his confirmation at the beginning of Trump’s administration and seemed to have a new scandal attached to Pruitt’s name every week. It got so out of hand that I didn’t know which ones to believe or not believe. I also hold government workers in a very low regard, think they’re all corrupt, and honestly believe his “scandals” (especially the wasting of taxpayer money) probably happened under previous administrations.

But we all know that the media has take a sudden interest in its own job to keep the government in check after an eight year vacation (except for a few).

Tags: Scott Pruitt