Drexel History Prof Claims Trump is America’s ‘First Fascist President’

Someone needs to simply ask this professor which rights Trump is taking away from the American people.The College Fix reports:

Trump is America’s ‘first fascist president,’ says Drexel history professorForget being the first celebrity president. Donald Trump is America’s first fascist president, Drexel University Professor Robert Zaller writes in an op-ed published in The Triangle, Drexel’s student newspaper.In the article, titled “It has happened here: Fascism in the United States,” Zaller, a history professor, argues that the United States is in “the deepest and most awful trouble any of us have known.”To support this claim, he presents a definition of what he considers a fascist:

What defines a fascist? Firstly, a fascist denies the rule of law. This means that he knows no will but his own, and recognizes no limit on his power. To achieve such power, he must defy, circumvent, or simply ignore all other established authority, and destroy the institutions through which it is exercised. In America, these are the three branches of government, and the fourth estate of the press. Congress was created to make laws for the nation at large. The judiciary, within its proper bounds, interprets them. The executive, which Trump heads, enforces them. The press — more broadly now, the media — keeps tabs on how well the process works.

Trump took a “sledgehammer” to those institutions, according to Zaller, as the president “has no interest in legislating” before saying that the president will “demand that [Congress] act to solve the messes he makes, refuse to indicate what he wants or is willing to approve, and gives both houses the bird when they offer him solutions tailored to please him.”

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, College Insurrection