Two Koreas agree to restore military communication lines

Flying under the radar of the President Donald Trump-deranged American media are key developments from the US-North Korea summit that indicate it was an enormous success, and there are very positive signs that the breech between the two Koreas will soon begin to heal. The two nations have agreed to completely restore their military communication lines during their first general-grade military talks in more than a decade.

During the talks, they also exchanged opinions on demilitarizing the inter-Korean truce village of Panmunjom on a trial basis, it said.They held the talks at Tongilgak, a North Korea-controlled building at the village, in line with the April 27 inter-Korean summit declaration that calls for joint efforts to alleviate military tensions and “practically eliminate the danger of war.”

The agreement is part of the trust-building phase that will hopefully formally end the Korean War.

During Thursday’s meeting, the military officials also agreed to restore a military communication line along the eastern coat that the North shut down in 2011.The possible trust-building steps discussed between the military officials included disarming on a “trial basis” the Joint Security Area in the Panmunjom, which is the only spot in the Demilitarized Zone where the rivals’ soldiers stand almost face to face. The area was where North Korean leader Kim stepped across the demarcation line to greet South Korean President Moon Jae-in for their historic summit in April. It was also where a defecting North Korean soldier fled south last year in a hail of bullets fired by his former comrades.South Korean Maj. Gen. Kim Do-gyun told reporters before the talks that the southern delegation would “invest our best efforts to bring in a new era of peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

Furthermore, an expert on North Korea indicates that the nation is expected to take measures to denuclearize within the next two to three weeks.

Former Unification Minister Lee Jong-seok, currently a senior researcher at the private think tank Sejong Institute, made the remark during a forum hosted by the institute in Seongnam, just south of Seoul, to analyze the outcome of the Tuesday summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.Lee also took a view that the United States, in line with the North’s implementation of such measures, will come up with rudimentary steps it could take to ease economic sanctions on the North and normalize its relations with Pyongyang, expecting that Washington and Pyongyang will reveal details not included in the accord released by the two countries after the Singapore summit.

Finally, another regional leader is now planning to meet with Kim Jong Un.

Japan is reportedly working on arranging a meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, with one possibility including the premier’s visit to Pyongyang around August.Citing multiple government sources, the Yomiuri newspaper reported on Thursday that officials from the two countries had been in contact several times in recent months to negotiate a possible meeting between the two leaders.

I anticipate that American “journalists” will continue to marinate in Trump derangement syndrome rather than accurately report on these historic developments.  The elite media has been in a desperate scramble to cut the string of success President Donald Trump has enjoyed, so in the wake of the success of the Singapore summit, the IG report has been released and the New York Attorney General is suing Trump, his three oldest children, and the Trump Foundation.

Additionally, there has been much #FakeNews coverage of Trump’s salute to a North Korean military official.

“It’s a common courtesy when a military official from another government salutes that you return that,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said during a briefing with reporters.In the documentary, the president was shown saluting the officer — Gen. No Kwang-chol, the North Korean defense chief — after first trying to shake the general’s hand. Mr. Kim is shown standing nearby.According to military protocol, it is customary to salute officers of friendly foreign nations, though it is unclear whether the relationship between the two countries can best be categorized as a congenial one. Despite the photogenic warmth between Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim, the president has repeated his determination to continue imposing sanctions on the North until it abandons its nuclear weapons. And, Ms. Sanders said, the president addressed the North’s human rights record with Mr. Kim when they met.

Likely, their surprise when the Korean War formally ends will be on par with the shock they received Nov. 8, 2016.

Tags: North Korea