Theater Performance at University in Australia Segregates Audience Members by Race

They are obviously trying to make some profound point about race. All they’re really doing is insulting the audience who came to see a show.The College Fix reports:

University theater performance segregates whites, makes them sign ‘declaration’A student-created dance performance at the University of Melbourne is causing an uproar as white attendees have been segregated from people of color in the theater, and they’re required to sign a “declaration” in order to gain entrance to the show.According to The Australian, Isabella Mason’s “Where I Stand” is designed to show “how indigenous people and people of colour have been excluded from society and history.” Mason admits she has “confronted” some (white) attendees at her show.“Realistically, there are simply two different shows for two different audiences,” Mason said. “The (white) audience in the foyer are invited to go through a process of accepting/transitioning/cleansing similar to a right of passage.”People of color get first dibs on entering the venue, while whites have to “wait outside where four dancers, who introduce themselves by their preferred pronouns, talk to them about white privilege.”From the story:

White patrons are then asked to sign a big brown piece of paper on the wall that states: “I acknowledge where I stand.” If they do not, they are not allowed to enter the theatre. Once there are more white audience members in the theatre than people of colour, the show stops and the audience is left to sit and think.

Tags: Australia, College Insurrection