MSNBC Cancels Conservative Hugh Hewitt’s Show
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MSNBC Cancels Conservative Hugh Hewitt’s Show

MSNBC Cancels Conservative Hugh Hewitt’s Show

Hewitt will remain with MSNBC as a contributer

Though no reason was given in the story, Hugh Hewitt’s show on MSNBC has been cancelled.

The Raw Story reports:

MSNBC has cancelled that weekly television show hosted by right-wing pundit Hugh Hewitt, the conservative explained at the end of his final show on Saturday.

“This has been the last Hugh Hewitt Show on Saturday mornings,” Hewitt explained.

He said that NBC News would continue to employ him as a contributor and he said he expects to continue to be a guest on MSNBC shows.

“It’s been great fun to host this show, I’ll see you on MSNBC again soon” the former anchor said.

Watch Hewitt make the announcement:


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I assume this is part of the general trend of the left deplatforming conservatives.

They don’t have an audience. On Saturday morning, they have even less. And given that conservatives don’t watch the network, he probably didn’t have any.

Hugh was a never Trump(er) back in the day. He eventually got on the Trump train, so there’s that. With Trump surging, msnbc is in full scorched earth mode. Purge everything pro Trump. It’s the equivalent of sticking fingers in their ears and yelling “LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!” The midterms and 2020 are going to be glorious.