Just Desserts: Peter Fonda’s New Movie Crashes and Burns

A little over a week ago, aging Hollywood has-been Peter Fonda said on Twitter that Barron Trump should be ripped from his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles.

He also said that DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen should be stripped naked and put in a cage in public so she could be whipped by passersby.

These are obviously not policy disagreements. Fonda later apologized but no one bought it because his words were so horrific that it’s impossible to believe that he just casually misspoke.

Because Fonda is a Hollywood leftist and was just doing his due diligence as a member of the resistance, Sony Pictures went ahead with a new film which features him. I am happy to report that the movie is bombing at the box office.

Jeremy Fuster of The Wrap has the details:

‘Boundaries’ Has Tepid Indie Box Office Launch After Peter Fonda TweetsAfter it made headlines in Hollywood for the wrong reasons, Sony Pictures Classics’ “Boundaries” is off to a tepid start at the indie box office, as it opened on five screens this weekend. Directed by Shana Feste and starring Vera Farmiga and Christopher Plummer, the film has made $30,395 for a per screen average of $6,079.This past week, Peter Fonda, who has a minor role in the film, posted an angry Twitter rant aimed towards President Donald Trump and his wife and son, Melania and Barron, that was a knee-jerk response to the White House’s family separation policy towards undocumented migrants and asylum seekers…Fonda later apologized for the tweet, but it still drew an angry response from Donald Trump Jr., who pointed out Fonda’s role in “Boundaries.”“I wonder if they will apply the same rules to [Fonda] that they did to Roseanne,” Trump Jr. tweeted, referring to the cancellation of Roseanne Barr’s ABC show following a racially charged tweet. “I have a strange suspicion that they wont [sic] do anything.”

Benny Johnson of the Daily Caller reminds us that Sony tried to downplay Fonda’s role after the controversy:

Sony disavowed Fonda after the sick comments, calling them “abhorrent, reckless and dangerous,” but saying that they would release the film because Fonda had a small role and it would be “unfair” to the rest of the cast and crew to spike it.

At the time of this writing, neither Wikipedia nor the Internet Movie Database indicate the film’s budget, which is rather telling. This is usually an easy thing to find.

A $30,000 opening weekend isn’t a poor showing, it’s a disaster. If this trend continues, which is likely because even the reviews are unimpressive, Sony Pictures will end up losing a lot of money on this film.

Tags: Culture, Hollywood, Trump Derangement Syndrome