Former University Student Gets One Year in Jail for False Rape Allegation
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Former University Student Gets One Year in Jail for False Rape Allegation

Former University Student Gets One Year in Jail for False Rape Allegation

“was facing six years in prison”

She probably won’t even serve the full year but this does send a message about false accusations.

The College Fix reports:

College student who invented gang rape sentenced to a year in prison

Nikki Yovino was facing six years in prison on charges of falsely reporting she was raped and “tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.”

Thanks to a last-minute plea deal, the former Sacred Heart University student will only face one, and maybe not even that long.

Connecticut Post reports that Yovino agreed to plead guilty to “two counts of second-degree falsely reporting an incident and one count of interfering with police,” all misdemeanors. Notably, the prosecutors and judge in the case are all female:

“We were prepared to go to trial on the original felony charge, but after lengthy discussions with all parties involved and considering all outside factors, this was an appropriate disposition that will hopefully set a precedent about how serious the state takes this conduct,” Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Tatiana Messina told the judge.

“The important thing is that the victims are happy with the disposition,” added Assistant State’s Attorney Emily Trudeau. …

Under the plea bargain, Yovino will be sentenced Aug. 23 to three years, suspended after she serves one year in prison and followed by three years’ probation.

“You understand you will be serving one year in jail?” the judge asked her.

“Yes,” Yovino said, nodding.


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assemblerhead | June 7, 2018 at 10:46 am

She won’t do any time in jail.

The judge / DA have signaled that this perp will go free when no one is looking anymore.

the prosecutors and judge in the case are all female:

Centuries of experience tell us that this is a formula for duplicity and deception.

I’ll believe the perp spends any time incarcerated after it actually happens.

Walker Evans | June 7, 2018 at 2:43 pm

assebmler/tom_swift: I hope you’re both wrong, but if I had to bet I’d be forced to wager you’re completely correct.

healthguyfsu | June 7, 2018 at 3:43 pm

This should be a felony

Gremlin1974 | June 7, 2018 at 6:30 pm

So not only does she got off with little if no jail time, she isn’t even going to be a felon afterwards. But think about what would have happened to the guy if she had been successful. Complete miscarriage of justice.

harleycowboy | June 8, 2018 at 12:07 pm

It’s about time these liars were prosecuted. The victims should sue for damages even if they don’t get a dime.

JusticeDelivered | June 9, 2018 at 8:45 am

Shouldn’t she go on the sex offender list? That would fix her wagon. She is a danger to all men.