Canadian Poli Sci Prof Compares Sarah Sanders to Nazi Propaganda Minister

Not only is the Nazi comparison inaccurate and lame, it’s an insult to the memory of Holocaust victims and survivors. No one on the left seems to get this.

The Daily Caller reports:

Poli Sci Professor Compares Sarah Sanders to Nazi Propaganda MinisterA Canadian political science professor compared White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to a notorious Nazi propaganda minister Sunday.University of Waterloo professor Emmett Macfarlane made the Joseph Goebbels analogy while responding to a remark by University of Chicago institute of politics director David Axelrod.“Kind of amazed and appalled by the number of folks on Left who applauded the expulsion of [Sanders] and her family from a restaurant,” Axelrod noted on Twitter. “This, in the end, is a triumph for [President Donald Trump’s] vision of America: Now we’re divided by red plates & blue plates! #sad[.]”“Screw the fascists,” Macfarlane responded. “It’s 1934 and pundits are complaining that a restaurant refused to serve Goebbels.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Administration