Cal Poly Students to Protest School President by Not Shaking His Hand at Graduation

Imagine ruining your own graduation day by doing something like this. These students will likely regret it someday.The College Fix reports:

Protest: Students will refuse to shake university president’s hand at graduationNumerous students at California Polytechnic State University this weekend are planning a mini-protest to take place during the school’s graduation, where they will refuse to shake the university president’s hand after receiving their diplomas.“About 100 students” are “planning to refuse a handshake from President [Jeffrey] Armstrong at this weekend’s ceremony,” local news station KEYT reports.The protest is meant to signal the students’ displeasure with Armstrong’s leadership on campus. According to one student, there have been “a lot of issues on Cal Poly campus…but this year especially has been bad.”Another cited Armstrong’s “in-action” on the topics of “racism, sexism, student homelessness, food insecurity.”From the report:

[Student Kelsey] Zazanis says under Armstrong’s Administration, student fees have increased 60%, and student housing is expected to rise 40% next year, directly impacting homeless and food insecure students. She also points to a sexual assault epidemic on campus.Graduating seniors say they don’t want to be disruptive, but they also want to send a message.“He consistently denies student pain and suffering and denies the culture of racism on this campus,” said Zazanis.

Tags: College Insurrection