Anti-Israel group which planned to infiltrate Jewish summer camps not welcome at Camp Ramah
“If Not Now” campaign to subvert Zionist teaching rejected by leading Jewish summer camp.

Last week the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s official summer camping arm, the National Ramah Commission (NRC), pledged not to partner with an activist group of Ramah camp alumni affiliated with the far-left “IfNotNow” (INN) group.
In a letter distributed on June 11th to its institutional partners, whose programs this summer include more than 11,000 children and staff members in the U.S., Canada and Israel, the leaders of Camp Ramah explicitly noted that they will “not engage in any way” with INN as an organization.
As we highlighted in a recent post, INN is seeking to subvert Ramah’s approach to Israel education within its summer camp network, Group plans to infiltrate Jewish summer camps to turn campers against Israel.
Founded in 2014 by a group of young American Jews who broke away from JStreet on the grounds that it was too pro-Israel and insufficiently sympathetic to the Palestinian narrative, INN fraudulently presents itself as merely opposed to Israel’s ‘occupation’ but in fact regularly promotes anti-Israel propaganda and BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) talking points.
As we documented in our prior post, INN isn’t very different in terms of its messaging and activism from the virulently anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace, which explains why INN is fast becoming the new darling of the anti-Israel movement in the U.S.
Camp Ramah’s leaders made the right move in refusing to work with INN, even though it means saying “no way” to a group of alumi. But reportedly “broken hearted” and “furious” that their effort to hijack the camps has now been publicly and strongly rebuffed, INN is threatening to continue to support counselors who still want to change the Israel education at their camp over the summer.
So Ramah officials need to devise a plan for dealing with the handful of INN-affiliated counselors who will apparently get to keep their jobs.
Background: If Not Now’s Campaign to Hijack Ramah’s Pro-Israel Mission
As we described in our prior post, in the saturated arena of anti-Israel activism in the U.S., the once little-known Washington D.C.-based organization IfNotNow (INN) is catapulting its way to the forefront of the pack.
INN doesn’t explicitly support Zionism or take a “unified stance” on BDS or the “question” of Israel’s statehood. This means that even if some of its members are self-identified Zionists who gravitate to the group merely in order to oppose the ‘occupation’, INN can also welcome those who don’t support Israel’s right to exist or to protect itself, and its materials can also portray Israel as an unjust aggressor with no acknowledgement of Palestinian violence or rejectionism.
When it initially formed, INN activists spent much of their time and effort on public and often disruptive protests at American Jewish organizations like AIPAC and appropriating Passover themes and customs by conducting ‘Palestinian liberation seders’ in the streets. These days, as we showed in our prior post, its outdoor spectacles have taken an even nastier turn, with Kaddish (the mourners’ prayer) recited for Hamas terrorists and mock coffins delivered to Senator Schumer’s office:

[credit: Facebook]
The group first held a protest outside Ramah’s national headquarters last November, with some 20 activists calling on its leadership to commit to ‘educating about the occupation.’ At the time, Ramah’s leadership agreed to meet with the group, but they refused.
Then, in March a group of 15 Ramah alumni comprising both campers and counselors affiliated with INN sat down with the National Ramah Commission (NRC) director Rabbi Mitch Cohen. As we discussed in our prior post, at the March 22nd meeting Cohen said that he was open to presenting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a variety of perspectives and giving campers and staff members the chance to voice a full range of opinions. He also expressed an interest in working with experts to improve the camp’s Israel-related curriculum.
But that wasn’t enough for INN, which proceeded to do an end-run around Ramah’s leadership by conducting its own training sessions for counselors. The campaign continued with a training in May, attended by about a dozen counselors from eight different camps including Ramah and other Jewish camp programs. According to INN, some 50 counselors who were unable to attend this May 27th training joined a follow-up call on June 4th where they reviewed what was discussed at the in-person training.

[credit: Facebook]
Legal Insurrection obtained copies of several of these letters, along with the responses. In one case, the director assured the parents that they weren’t aware of any hired counselors who were INN members or who had attended their training:

[Letter from parent to Camp Ramah, shared with Legal Insurrection | Reprinted with permission, names redacted]
Further, the director stated that while a wide range of opinions would be welcomed at the camp—including liberal ones—the key remained to instill a deep and enduring love for Israel and that “this will not change.”
These responses from individual Ramah camp directors were eventually echoed in two NRC statements released on June 6th and June 11th.
The National Ramah Commission (NRC) Draws a Red-Line on INN’s Anti-Israel Rhetoric and Activism
On June 6th the NRC released a “Statement on Israel Education.” The statement objected to “some recent articles in the Jewish press” that it claimed “mischaracterized” Ramah’s educational mission. The NRC used the statement to reaffirm its “70-year history of strong pro-Israel ideology” which it insisted had “not changed.” However, INN wasn’t mentioned by name in the statement.
In its statement released on June 11th, the NRC asserted that its camps “have not engaged—and will not engage—in any way with If Not Now as an organization.” It also stated that while Ramah’s Israel programming would continue to engage on different opinions and political perspectives regarding Israeli policy, it would never welcome anti-Zionist or antisemitic education.
The June 11th statement does a good job of differentiating between legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies and anti-Israel rhetoric that can cross the line into antisemitism. It clearly and correctly identifies INN as a radical organization that can’t be accommodated in its camping network which is designed to help campers make meaningful and lasting connections to Judaism and Israel.
Here’s a copy of the June 11th letter:

[credit: Facebook]
IfNotNow Responds to the NRC Rebuff
In a series of posts on social media, an op-ed for The Forward, and in multiple interviews INN has condemned both NRC letters. In particular, they’ve asserted that Ramah’s leaders are lying about what was said at the March meeting. In their minds, Mitch Cohen “committed to prioritizing change” around Ramah’s Israel-related education and he and the NRC were now reneging on their promises.
.@IfNotNowOrg offerred @NationalRamah an amazing opportunity: Empower your staff to talk about the occupation, and nurture young people to love Judaism while speaking honestly about Israel. And take responsibility to grow with the times. Instead, they spat in our faces.
Thread:— Simone Zimmerman ? (@simonerzim) June 12, 2018

[credit: Twitter]
Cohen didn’t commit to any sped-up timetable for curricula changes nor did he promise any radical revisions to Ramah’s Israel-related programming for this summer before any such new materials could be prepared in conjunction with experts in the field and undergo a proper vetting.
So INN’s accusation that Ramah “walked back” some earlier commitment is disingenuous.
Slamming the NRC as “cowardly and offensive”, defiant INN leaders are now vowing to “work directly with counselors” while camps are in session so that campers can still be exposed to INN’s message.
Will INN Be Able to Hijack Camp Ramah’s Mission?
INN’s plans to infiltrate the camps may create some tensions at individual camps this summer, but it’s important not to exaggerate the problem as this will hardly sink Ramah.

[Camp Ramah Berkshires | YouTube screenshot]
Ramah hires hundreds of staff members and only a couple of them at most reportedly participated in the INN May 27th training. Even if you add to that number a few more Ramah counselors who RSVPd to INN’s open-call on June 4th, it’s simply not realistic to think that a handful of INN-trained activist-counselors trying to teach campers subversively this summer will be able to upend this hugely popular and successful pro-Israel educational outlet.
Here’s just a few videos of the Ramah camping experience which clearly demonstrate its “success story” (with dozens more online). It’s a bit silly to think that a program this long-standing and effective will be destroyed by a few disgruntled alumni:
Bottom line: it’s important not to overstate the damage that INN can do now that Ramah’s leadership has officially turned down any and all engagement with it. Essentially, the better way to view the latest developments is to recognize that INN’s effort to subvert one of America’s “most cherished Zionist education venues” is proving to be a total failure.
In a section of his chapter for Andrew Pessin and Doron S. Ben-Atar’s important new book about the pernicious effects of anti-Zionism and BDS on college campuses, professor of music and computer science Shlomo Dubnov relates how IfNotNow’s co-founder Simone Zimmerman, the short-lived Jewish outreach coordinator for presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, “left her Zionist upbringing and American Israel Public Affairs (AIPAC) youth activism” to start siding against Israel during her undergraduate years at the University of California at Berkeley:
what is troubling is not merely that Zimmerman switched sides but how quickly it happened and how far she went. In roughly her first year at Berkeley, she went from pro-Israel enthusiast to slanderer of Israel…on to whole-hearted endorsement of the true goal of the BDS movement…ending Israel as a Jewish state the way we know it today.”
Dubnov traces the conditions at UC Berkeley that produced Zimmerman’s transformation, including her “repeated exposure to Israel-bashing” on the campus and especially her encounters with a campus Hillel subgroup that was allowed to “present programs demonizing Israel and the IDF” and which collaborated frequently with the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine.
Dubnov correctly notes that “listening to Palestinians complain for hours about Israel” during campus BDS campaigns isn’t guaranteed to convert every long-established Israel-supporting Jewish student (he presents the examples of his own two children who attended UC Berkeley at roughly the same time as Zimmerman and who didn’t get sucked into BDS and “did not switch sides”).
But he’s right that the repeated exposure will have “an effect on some or many”—in particular when the virulently anti-Israel messaging comes from Hillel, from the “home within a home” and the Jewish community on campus itself.
In this regard, it’s worth noting that Aviva Schwartz, the INN activist and former Ramah camper and counselor who has reportedly been instrumental in the group’s campaign to move Jewish summer camp curriculum away from support for Israel and to distance Jewish campers from the Jewish state, is employed as the director for Jewish Student Life at the University of Washington’s Hillel:

[credit: Facebook]
Miriam F. Elman is an Associate Professor of Political Science and the Robert D. McClure Professor of Teaching Excellence at the Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University. She is the editor of five books and the author of over 60 journal articles, book chapters, and government reports on topics related to international and national security, religion and politics, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She also frequently speaks and writes on the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) anti-Israel movement. Follow her on Facebook and on Twitter @MiriamElman

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The second state, Jordan, is waiting with open arms, right?
Failed coups have consequences.
Wars to hide that fact have consequences, too.
I is amazing that any jew would buy this kind of crap. Goes to show that some people are highly susceptible to being conned.
I’m not surprised. Jews are overwhelmingly liberal and liberalism becomes their religion. It becomes an easy step once that happens to be anti Israel.
I am not a Jew, but I respect their culture and intelligence. I also understand history and the mentality of Palestinians. It appears other Arab countries also under Palestinian mentality, that is why none of them want anything to do with Palestinians. Having watched Palestinian BS since the early sixties, I firmly believe that Israel should adopt a zero tolerance policy towards them.
“have not engaged—and will not engage—in any way with If Not Now as an organization.”
“…as an organization.” As classic a “weasel statement” as I’ve read this week. Damn near Clintonesque in its effrontery. No, the “organization” won’t be there … but doesn’t imply that the people actually doing the dirty work won’t be. You don’t have to read very far between the lines to see that the Camp Ramah poobahs know perfectly well that INN propagandists will be thick there as Trichinella spiralis in a pig’s carcass. Or those famous Communists in summer camps in the Catskills circa 1960.
And if they don’t get very far this year, they’ll be back next year. And the year after. And the year after that. And why not? Nobody’s even trying to stop them.
yes Ramah should expel and ban any IfNotNow for supporting Islam
tell IfNotNow to First Condemn the Islamist Occupation of Temple Mount.. or Condemn the Myth of Palestine then some might listen to their Bogus Myth of Occupation (ICYMI Not 1 Jew in Gaza, No IDF in Gaza so where’s that Occupation..
It’s a very good point. INN is purposely vague about how “occupation” is defined (they are quite explicit about how it is a “nightmare” for Palestinians, employing that adjective in nearly every public comment and statement). In The Forward article signed by a group of INN activists and former Ramah campers and counselors, there is a mention of the “West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem” as occupied. This conflation of all three territorial spaces is straight from the Palestinian agenda. Even on the left in Israel, there are distinctions made between east Jerusalem’s mostly Arab neighborhoods and the Temple Mount, Holy Basin where Israeli sovereignty is not deemed as ‘illegal.’ Also on the left, Israeli legal analysts and former negotiators don’t view Gaza as occupied. It’s an abuse of the term, which has a precise international legal definition:
One has to wonder what is wrong with these people that pretend they are not part of those intended for genocide, or subjugation.
They are very tough against people they know will tolerate, but what will happen when up against the most intolerant Jew haters?
They will wilt, but even then may not lament their stupidity.
If INN members were hired by Ramah and feel Ramah reneged on some deal with INN, the honorable thing for them to do is resign. Accepting a position and a paycheck from an organization while planning to use the position to undermine the organization’s values is dishonorable, and may constitute civil or criminal fraud.
Can I take a job with Coke’s marketing department while planning to use my position to persuade people to buy Pepsi instead? Can I take a PR job with Equal Rights Campaign while planning to use my position to persuade people to amend the constitution to overturn Obergefell, or with the PR department of Family Research Counsel planning to use it to persuade people that having qualms about same sex couples is bigotry?
Any INN creep caught using their Ramah job to undermine Ramah’s Zionist mission should be immediately fired, and Ramah should file criminal charges in order to make it clear that saying one thing to get hired and then using the position to work against the employer is not acceptable.
So the real problem is on College campuses. Jews need to actively beat the crap out of BDS Professors and organizers. Make them feel the fear of Jewish might. Jews defend yourselves and move to Israel where you can be defended by a Jewish Army. or would you like to be a statistic like during the Holocaust.