Trump administration jettisons $10 million NASA program tracking greenhouse gases
NASA’s return journey from #FakeScience to space exploration.

In a move that has enraged green justice warriors across the globe, A $10 million per year National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) program to track key global warming contributors carbon and methane has been canceled.
The program called the Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) was cut due to ‘budget constraints and higher priorities within the science budget, a spokesperson for the space agency said Thursday.
A report from the journal Science called the shut down the latest move in a ‘broad attack on climate science’ by the White House.‘NASA’s CMS has helped stitch together observations of sources and sinks into high-resolution models of the planet’s flows of carbon,’ the journal wrote.
Meanwhile, it appears this research will continue in Europe!
[The CMS] has paid for researchers led by Daniel Jacob, an atmospheric chemist at Harvard University, to refine their satellite-based observations of methane.
It’s an ironic time to kill the program, Jacob says. NASA is planning several space-based carbon observatories, including the OCO-3, which is set to be mounted on the International Space Station later this year, and the Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory, due for launch early next decade. The CMS would help knit all these observations together. “It would be a total shame to wind [it] down,” Jacob says.
This type of research is likely to continue, Duffy adds, but leadership will pass to Europe, which already operates one carbon-monitoring satellite, with more on the way.
I think most Americans are good with that, especially as we want NASA to return to its original mission of space exploration. In fact, our neighboring planets may be significant contributors to climate change.
The orbits of planets hundreds of millions of miles away can change weather patterns here on Earth.
Every 405,000 years, gravitational tugs from the planets Jupiter and Venus gradually affect Earth’s climate and life forms, according to a new study published Monday.
In fact, this pattern has been going on for at least 215 million years and allows scientists to more precisely date geological events like the spread of dinosaurs.
“Scientists can now link changes in the climate, environment, dinosaurs, mammals and fossils around the world to this 405,000-year cycle in a very precise way,” said study lead author Dennis Kent, an expert in paleomagnetism at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Rutgers University.
The study shows a cycle of every 405,000 years, during which wobbles in Earth’s orbit caused by the gravitational pulls of the two planets, intensify seasonal differences on our planet. Summers are hotter and winters colder; dry times drier, wet times wetter.
There is even more good news for those Legal Insurrection fans interested in space exploration. Instead of squandering money on politicized and #FakeScience, NASA is sending a helicopter….to Mars.
The Mars Helicopter, a small, autonomous rotorcraft, will travel with the agency’s Mars 2020 rover mission, currently scheduled to launch in July 2020, to demonstrate the viability and potential of heavier-than-air vehicles on the Red Planet.
“NASA has a proud history of firsts,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “The idea of a helicopter flying the skies of another planet is thrilling. The Mars Helicopter holds much promise for our future science, discovery, and exploration missions to Mars.”
U.S. Rep. John Culberson of Texas echoed Bridenstine’s appreciation of the impact of American firsts on the future of exploration and discovery.
“It’s fitting that the United States of America is the first nation in history to fly the first heavier-than-air craft on another world,” Culberson said. “This exciting and visionary achievement will inspire young people all over the United States to become scientists and engineers, paving the way for even greater discoveries in the future.”
Here is a thought: If we are ever going to colonize space, we humans will have to change climate intentionally on a planetary scale. This move by the Trump Administration shows that NASA has jettisoned a program that was creating an unnecessary drag on what should be a key priority.

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But what about Muslim outreach?
Well, we could always offer ISIS some fairly inexpensive one way tickets to space….:)
Not a problem: Jerry Brown will simply have California do it.
Get Your Ass To Mars!
First it was Russians hacking the election. Now it’s Jupiterites and Venusians hacking the climate.
Is there no end to this perfidy?!?
The idea of a helicopter flying the skies of another planet is thrilling.
Cool! Now a lander can snap “selfies”!
Well, if that’s not worth a few tens of millions of dollars, I don’t know what is.
With the atmosphere being so thin, I was wondering about lift.. even if the gravity is lower there.
If you are interested:
The atmosphere of Mars is only 1% that of Earth, to make it fly at that low atmospheric density, we had to scrutinize everything.
To get airborne, the four blades on the Mars Helicopter will make nearly 3,000 rotations per minute. That means they will spin about 10 times faster than a helicopter built for our skies.
How about tens of millions for somomne to play golf on the moon?
As much as I have “no use” for Obama, I refuse to pay to send Obama to the moon.
Hmmm….How about a “Go fund me” page for that?
Hear, effing Hear!
Wouldn’t this be more of a NOAA mission, anyway?
This is like the CDC studying gun violence when we have BATFE in that lane.
Yes that is why we have a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration duh.
Live long and prosper.
jeffweimer, that is 100% correct. What remains to be seen is whether or not the President will direct NASA to do worthwhile missions and if Congress will defend it.
Still not tired of winning.
Global Whatever ‘scientists’ don’t need expensive physical data collection instruments. They’re going to adjust the collected data to match their models’ ridiculous predictions anyway. The temperatures have already been written for next year and many more after. I don’t know why we need to pay for collection of real data. It’s just going to be bastardized in the name of Global Whatever ‘science.’
MAGA! Or is it KAG!
Excellent news.
Methane is present in the atmosphere at one or two parts per million. This is a vanishingly small amount that has been shown time and again to have an essentially nonexistent impact on the atmosphere’s temperature. Additionally, methane has a half life in the atmosphere of around 7 years and the primary sources of methane are cattle production. Hydrocarbon production accounts for less than a third of all methane.
IF methane is a trivial gas and is primarily produced by cattle, then is there really a $10 million/year need to monitor it? There are likely many far more important issues that could be researched with this money such as determining how many angels could dance on the head of a pin.
I would rather they not spend the $10m at all and just have a smaller budget. We don’t have the money for these misadventures.
Al Gore can surely fund it himself or bilk plenty of people to fund pad his bank accounts more per year to cover the price of that, after all, the planet will be dead years ago…
It is things like this that are so infuriating, agencies doubling up on things others are already doing. I’m sure there are some differences between what NASA does in this and what NOAA does, but is it necessary? It doesn’t seem like it is in their purview nor charter. The amount of money wasted in redundancy programs, along with the bureaucracy they add on to oversee it is mind boggling. Millions saved a year on things like this from various agencies and programs are what is needed throughout our government.
At least with this cut Maxine will have something with no teeth to call for Trump to be impeached. Again.
Whatever data the satellites provided, they were just going to make it up anyway to support their story. This way they can skip spending the ten million and just make up the numbers directly. It’s more efficient
When I was a government “scientist”, now retired, we were “ordered” to link everything to global warming, then “climate change”, no matter how trivial, and wrong it was….primarily because all funding and staffing of programs were assured that way….from congressional support of budgets and personnel plans…constantly increasing. Those of us that tried to tell the real story, about modified, politically correct plans were criticized, not given merit promotions, not allowed to travel to professional meetings where we might have told our side of the story so to speak…
Isn’t that the truth! I remember that following 911, if you wanted your project funded, you attached it to Homeland Security.
Aren’t those real crimes……… Shame.
Dambuster, thanks for posting re science grants. You weren’t even allowed to speak at meetings? I write grants for a local nonprofit. When I look into govt grants available on the local level, it is the same. There is a lot of grant money available (why?) for anyone who will write about Climate Change, Homelessness, Immigration – but it has to be the correct PC lens. There’s another pile of funding that could be cut, imho.
I was criticized for even suggesting that Climate change was not man made…I did make a statement in meeting in Washington DC to congressional senate staffers….shortly after a U.S. Senator called the head of the agency I worked for and told him to fire me….because I was endangering the amount of funding that the senator worked so hard to get! However, at the time, my supervisor was like minded and supported me….so the Senator got him transferred to another state….and my new supervisor re-wrote my job description, limiting all of my activities until I decided to “retire”…
Why does NASA even exists? Is going to Mars or the moon part of the “interstate trade” that is regulated by cess? All NASA is now is a jobs program for Federal employees. We need to take the tax money out of space exploration and let private industry do it.
Why does NASA even exists? Is going to Mars or the moon part of the “interstate trade” that is regulated by congress? All NASA is now is a jobs program for Federal employees. We need to take the tax money out of space exploration and let private industry do it.
NASA was originally run by the military for legitimate national security purposes (which still exist), and came to be publicized with the manned space program, and release to the public of some of the technology developed. It gradually became more of a public relations effort to attract more funding, and the military programs becoming separate. It needs to go back to military control, and to being a self-sufficient operation. The present situation, where they depend on Russian engines for their rockets, and military and intelligence satellites are being put up by foreign governments and private industry, isn’t in the interest of national security.
In defense of SOME of the NASA programs, avoiding being too lengthy here…NASA space research has contributed a phenomenal amount of practical and valuable research in medical and biological fields that would not exist, otherwise….HOWEVER, there certainly is a lot of fluff and projects that are NOT practical but unfortunately, some of the scientific research done is not recognized and found out after the fact…more or less by accident. The private sector may or may not have had the same value and results….
I think management and partnership with private sector is the way most should go….and possibly phasing out….to a degree. Hard to describe details, but national security values have been enormous….do you think a toilet seat really cost $50,000????? Anyway, You get the point.
Regardless of who does it … the program should be retained.
Yes, the enlightened Europeans will do it.
Why of course, it has to be someone’s job to fake the raw data and prove the earth is warmening from man made causes. What would you progs do otherwise?
Leslie Eastman: I think most Americans are good with that, especially as we want NASA to return to its original mission of space exploration.
Turns out that Earth is one of several planets in the Solar System. NASA has observational satellites to collect information on the Earth’s clouds, oceans, soil, vegetation, habitation, ice sheets, aerosols, ozone, CO2, freeze-thaw cycles, topography, emitted radiation, gravitational field, magnetic field, etc.
Leslie Eastman: In fact, our neighboring planets may be significant contributors to climate change.
There are many causes of climate change, including changes in solar irradiance, volcanism, orbital variations, continental drift, mountain building, variations in sea currents, changes in greenhouse gases, even cometary impacts.
Leslie Eastman: This move by the Trump Administration shows that NASA has jettisoned a program that was creating an unnecessary drag on what should be a key priority.
The action was clearly political, not scientific. But the facts don’t go away because you refuse to look at them.
You are just a commie nut.
“Turns out that Earth is one of several planets in the Solar System.”
Thanks for letting us know. We thought the earth was flat and all alone.
“There are many causes of climate change”
Geez, you think?
“The action was clearly political, not scientific.”
All you commies do is political which involves a lot of pseudoscience. It is the only science you know.
Barry: We thought the earth was flat and all alone.
The key point is that the Earth is a planet worthy of scientific study. Humans send robot explorers to, among other things, learn about the atmosphere of distant planets. Certainly learning about the Earth’s atmosphere is at least of equal importance.
Yikes, are you thick-headed, full of strawman agruments.
Nobody is saying the Earth isn’t worthy of study. What is being said is that the Earth is already being studied by a huge number of agencies and organizations, and that to have NASA misused to support a political hotbutton issue like global warming is the worst way to gather evidence. What is being said is “stop the political weaponization of our federal agencies”.
Henry Hawkings: What is being said is that the Earth is already being studied by a huge number of agencies and organizations, and that to have NASA misused
Studying the planet Earth is right within NASA’s wheelhouse.
Henry Hawkings: and that to have NASA misused to support a political hotbutton issue like global warming is the worst way to gather evidence.
The composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, including the distribution and change in greenhouse gases, is an important scientific question. Gee whiz, NASA sent a probe to Venus to study its atmosphere — in 1978. It’s not unreasonable to also study the planet Earth, as it is the most accessible planet for study, and is of some importance to humans.
Yes, and it’s being studied, by NASa where it’s appropriate to NASA’s misson and scope, and by a huge number of other agencies. Studying the Earth’s atmosphere is of course right in NASA’s wheelhouse. It’s being assigned to support global warming propaganda that lies out side of NASA’s mission. Obama, et al, bastardized and weaponized many federal agencies to support political beliefs.
Are you willfully blind, poor at reading comprehension, just stupid, or all three?
Henry Hawkins: Studying the Earth’s atmosphere is of course right in NASA’s wheelhouse.
That’s right. Scientists will spend ten times that amount to measure the composition of atmosphere from planets other than Earth, so measuring the composition of Earth’s atmosphere at much less cost is clearly reasonable. Canceling the program was clearly political, not scientific or budgetary.
Henry Hawkins: It’s being assigned to support global warming propaganda that lies out side of NASA’s mission.
The facts don’t change because you don’t like the implications of those facts. Closing your eyes doesn’t make uncomfortable truths go away.
Exactly right. Now all you need to do is present those implicative facts. That, by the way, is the hard part and the part the AGW nuts haven’t come close to achieving. You might look in the mirror.
Henry Hawkins: Now all you need to do is present those implicative facts.
Gee whiz. That’s rather the point of the mission, to collect facts.
“That’s right. Scientists will spend ten times that amount to measure the composition of atmosphere from planets other than Earth, so measuring the composition of Earth’s atmosphere at much less cost is clearly reasonable.”
Lessee commie moron,
Can the local Agriculture committee study the atmosphere of planets? No they cannot, so it is appropriate that the only entity which can, NASA, do it.
Can the local Agriculture committee study the atmosphere of earth? Why yes, yes they can, so they do it along with hundreds of other groups that can, but cannot study the atmosphere of other planets.
If the local Ag committee needs some data from NASA, all they need do is ask.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration…
You really are a pathetic commie moron. get some help.
Barry: Can the local Agriculture committee study the atmosphere of planets?
The Agriculture committee is not a scientific organization. As a political organization, they rely on findings from the scientific community, which includes satellite observations.
You remain an idiot. Everyone in the room with you are commie idiots. Your supervisor is a commie idiot.
Barry: Commie
As a side note, your Internet connection seems to have some noise in it. Most of your posts have various irrelevant terms inserted into the text (e.g. “Commie”), a type of Internet Torrette Syndrome. You might want to check your connections.
As a side note, you are a commie.
“a type of Internet Torrette Syndrome”
I rarely drink wine and have never visited the region, not even an internet visit.
You commies have what is referred to as diarrhea mouth.
“The key point is that the Earth is a planet worthy of scientific study.”
Hey commie peabrain, no one has asserted otherwise. It does require actual intelligence, not the comrades desk of the day notes written by climate fabricators.
@Barry … Zachriel has presented a reasoned argument … you on the other hand just shoot your mouth off like an irate cowardly little liberal. You’re really a dumb ass … and ya know it … don’t ya.
Commie, unlike you, I actually studied climatology, meteorology, physics, chemistry and other assorted sciences.
Having an understanding of the actual science allows me to see, quickly, the outright lies and fabrications you syphilitic brained blowhards attempt to push.
The common housefly has more sense than you pathetic boot licking idiots.
Trump is disappointing in his general lack of interest in cutting the size of govt and spending. It would not be easy to do even if he were pounding the issue every day, particularly when you have the CPUSA/DNC contending that the US has been practicing austerity in recent year. But debt is the greatest threat to this country, not foreign enemies or high tech weapons.
It is absurd that NASA has an Earth Sciences division, which means that 5 federal agencies have departments with the same scientific discipline. It is an incredible waste of money.
Having spent a lot of time in DC, on both sides of the hill and in the “White House” as well….I can assure you that it is NOT Trump who is protecting the government spending….there are lead shields protecting every agency & program that exist.
If Trump could unilaterally eliminate agencies & programs …he would…but the laws that establish most of them are incredibly complex….and beyond his reach as an individual and President, regardless of his philosophies. …remember that the laws were written by lawyers for their friends in the agencies….and in government programs….look how repealing Obamacare got shot down. Enough to make me sick. Tax reform the same way….he wants to gut the IRS but the lobbies are so tight & strong…
Enjoy this GAO Report on the money spent on global warming research.
Moments, as this, make me want to burn some tires in celebration.
You Palestinian or sumpin
They need to jettison all of NOAA’s fraudulent temperature data.
Publish all of the original readings that exist. Delete the modified (fabricated) nonsense, and delete the estimated (fabricated) numbers for stations that don’t exist.
100% of the “global warming” in NOAA’s temperature database comes from modifying actual readings to create the illusion of warming.
Get some accountants to audit this fraud, and publish EVERYTHING.