SPLC, Assorted SJW Groups “Helping” Spotify Police Music for “Hate Content”
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SPLC, Assorted SJW Groups “Helping” Spotify Police Music for “Hate Content”

SPLC, Assorted SJW Groups “Helping” Spotify Police Music for “Hate Content”

Spotify cracking down on “hate content” and “hateful conduct”


Spotify has announced that it is partnering with the SPLC and a whole host of other SJW groups to monitor music on its service for “hate content.”

The other groups “helping” Spotify monitor its content are:  the Anti-Defamation League, Color Of Change, Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), GLAAD, Muslim Advocates, and the International Network Against Cyber Hate.

The DC Caller reports:

Left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a reputation for labeling Christian and conservative organizations as “hate groups,” is now policing the world’s largest music streaming service for “hate content.”

Spotify announced their partnership with the SPLC on Thursday, as part of a new policy cracking down on “hate content” and “hateful conduct.”

Spotify defines “hate content” as content “that expressly and principally promotes, advocates, or incites hatred or violence against a group or individual based on characteristics, including, race, religion, gender identity, sex, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability.”

But the rules will be enforced subjectively, Spotify conceded, stating, “it’s important to remember that cultural standards and sensitivities vary widely. That means there will always be content that is acceptable in some circumstances but is offensive in others, and we will always look at the entire context.”


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“…there will always be content that is acceptable in some circumstances but is offensive in others, and we will always look at the entire context.”

Translation: If we hate you (or simply deem you uncool), we will persecute you, and ban you.

Leftist lunacy in a nutshell.

I somehow suspect that rap and hip hop, despite their notorious propensity for glorifying violence, will not end up on SPLC’s “hate speech” list.

Sheesh. So now it will consist of payola playlists approved by sour minders.

Back to Pandora. Get woke, go broke. Stockholders should bail ASAP.