And here it is.
The New York Times confirms Trump’s claims, which have been frequently dismissed by major media outlets as kooky and conspiratorial, true. Under the Obama administration, the intelligence community DOJ officials spied on Trump’s campaign.
Operation “Crossfire Hurricane” is what they called it. It was a super double secret operation that only a handful of agents and DOJ officials were aware of.
Agents, “obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena” and “at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos.”
The timing of the report is…suspect:
The NYT report briefly mentions the upcoming IG report in reference to text messages exchanged between agents Strzok and Page:
The inspector general’s upcoming report is expected to criticize those messages for giving the appearance of bias. It is not clear, however, whether inspectors found evidence supporting Mr. Trump’s assertion that agents tried to protect Mrs. Clinton, a claim the F.B.I. has adamantly denied.
The FBI was concerned Trump would be vindicated if the public found out they’d been spying on the now-president.
Kimberly Strassel, a reporter for the WSJ has a concise breakdown:
There are many apologies owed to the Trump family. None of which they’ll see in this lifetime.