This is according to a Gallup poll. You would probably get a similar result at a majority of American colleges.
The College Fix reports:
Gallup poll: Nine of ten Pomona College students say campus climate hinders free speechA Gallup poll on Pomona College’s “Perceptions of Speech and Campus Climate” has been released, and if you’re a regular reader of The College Fix you’ll find the results not at all surprising.As reported by the Claremont Independent, almost 90% of students surveyed said “the campus climate prevents them from saying something others might find offensive.” Nearly two-thirds of faculty feel the same.When it comes to political ideology, 75% of conservative and moderate students strongly agree that the school climate hinders free expression — “nearly 2.5 times higher than very liberal students.”In response to the statement “More important for colleges to prohibit certain speech or expression of viewpoints,” 75% of “very liberal” students and 49% of “liberal” students agree, while only 20% of “very conservative, conservative, [and] moderate” students do. The statement “More important for colleges to allow all types of speech and viewpoints” results in a mirror image of those percentages.