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Hofstra Student: Campus Statue of Thomas Jefferson a Source of ‘Significant’ Distress

Hofstra Student: Campus Statue of Thomas Jefferson a Source of ‘Significant’ Distress

“genocide and mass murder of enslaved populations”

Don’t you love it when an undergrad thinks they’re more significant than one of America’s first presidents and author of our founding documents?

The College Fix reports:

Anti-Thomas Jefferson student: Founder’s statue a source of ‘significant’ distress

The student who led the effort to remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson from Hofstra University is pretty ticked off that the school president isn’t giving caving to her demands.

In a Hofstra Chronicle op-ed today, JaLoni Owens wonders what it will take before President Stuart Rabinowitz and other campus officials see things her way.

Will it be “[Jefferson’s] repeated rape of multiracial slave Sally Hemings”? Owens asks. Or, his “documented calls for the genocide and mass murder of enslaved populations”? Perhaps it’ll be his role in “sustaining slavery in America and having owned over 600 slaves over the course of his lifetime”?

Her piece comes after Rabinowitz challenged her campaign at an April 25 town hall meeting. The university president had responded that Owens and “every single student on this campus” matter to him after she asked what students of color have to do to feel as “valued” as their white peers.

Since this wasn’t a good enough answer, Owens and friends then stood up, turned their backs to Rabinowitz, and held up signs which read “Black Lives Matter! Does Hofstra agree?”


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Close The Fed | May 9, 2018 at 9:43 am

These kids ought to have assigned reading about Jefferson.

He proposed bills while in the House of Burgesses, to make it LEGAL for slaveowners to free their slaves.

The law often erects these requirements to which people object and J. tried to remove the law.

Learn some history, dolts.

JohnSmith100 | May 9, 2018 at 6:28 pm

People need to start telling these young people that by and large, very few people will care if they are distressed and that it is time that they quickly grow up.

Juba Doobai! | May 9, 2018 at 10:08 pm

My nephew went to Hofstra. He wasn’t distressed by Jefferson at all.

Jaloni ought to leave Hofstra and find another university without a Jefferson statue.

Juba Doobai! | May 9, 2018 at 10:09 pm

My nephew went to Hofstra. He wasn’t distressed by Jefferson at all.

Jaloni Owens ought to leave Hofstra and find another university without a Jefferson statue.

Jefferson called for the mass murder of blacks? Some citation would be nice.

We have a saying here where I live. “Get over it.” Don’t these children have more important things to worry about and to occupy their time like studying?
Some college folks came by (the college is around 90 miles away and we had no clue why they came by here) and saw us (mostly small town people, farmers, ranchers, and such). They called us ultra right wing extremists, neo-Nazis, skin heads, and racists who just did not know anything. We thought we were Republicans who grew stuff so that they could eat it. We laughed because we’ve been called worse and their words didn’t really amount to much. We called them stupid which is what they were I guess.

“what students of color have to do to feel as “valued” as their white peers.”

For a start …

Oh never mind … what’s the point … they don’t listen anyhow …