Hillary Talks 2016 During Speech at Yale: “No, I’m not over it”
“I still think about the 2016 election.”

Hillary Clinton spoke to graduates at Yale’s class day this weekend and admitted that she still isn’t over the outcome of the 2016 election. It’s becoming clear that she will never be over it.
Samuel Chamberlain reports at FOX News:
‘No, I’m not over it’: Hillary Clinton jabs Trump, shows off Russian hat at Yale Class Day
Early in her address to graduating Yale students at Sunday’s Class Day, Hillary Clinton reached behind the lectern, pulled out a traditional Russian ushanka hat, and held it aloft.
“I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” she said as the audience laughed and applauded.
The Russian hat gag, a nod to the student tradition of wearing extravagant headgear during Class Day, set the tone for a wide-ranging speech in which Clinton alternately cracked jokes about her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and warned Yale’s Class of 2018 that “we are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy.”
“There are certain things that are so essential they should transcend politics,” said Clinton, who never mentioned Trump by name during her address. “Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity.”
Clinton admitted that she still thinks about her defeat by Trump: “No, I’m not over it. I still think about the 2016 election. I still regret the mistakes I made. I still think, though, that understanding what happened in such a weird and wild election in American history will help us defend our democracy in the future.”
Here’s the video:
Here’s a video report from FOX News:
Hillary also made a joke about students from Michigan not getting their absentee ballots in time:
“Congratulations to the Class of 2018,” @HillaryClinton says at Yale University. “I am thrilled for all of you…even the 3 of you who live in Michigan and didn’t request your absentee ballots in time” #tictocnews pic.twitter.com/tS6CH4KH2h
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) May 20, 2018
For good measure, she made a dumb joke about Russia:
“I see, looking out at you, that you are following the tradition of over the top hats,” Hillary Clinton says at Yale University’s Class Day. “So I brought a hat, too: A Russian hat” #tictocnews pic.twitter.com/Vxdlf8eFCx
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) May 20, 2018
How did we pass over such a witty, intelligent candidate for president?
Featured image via YouTube.

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“Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity.”
She is describing herself.
You beat me to it.
All the left does is project. Whatever they blame the right for doing, the right is not doing but the left is – including saying that the right does nothing but project.
I’ve been on both sides of the political fence. As a conservative now, I know which side is full of crap. I don’t mean parties, I’m talking political philosophies. It is impossible to be on the left and have intellectual honesty. If it had any, the left simply wouldn’t exist.
Agreed! It is a literal road map for what they are doing or plan to do.
That said, this woman simply believes her own BS, and has enough left over to feed to the crowds.
It has been hard for me to believe that she is finished. I can’t help but expect her to run again every time I see her grabbing attention in the media. But I really do hope she stays home.
What she really needs is a good long painful disease, something that would cause her to run for office from an iron lung or something similar. While we’re wishing, let’s hope she lives a long painful crippled life, experiencing the hopeless waste she’s made of her many positions of power.
She is a shameless red harridan.
Good God, woman, shut up and go home. Bake those cookies you didn’t want to bake as First Lady. Poison them and give them to Bill for all I care. Just shut up and go away somewhere, and I promise to pretend I’ll miss you.
I wonder how much lucre Yale is throwing at this sack of filth … and what it thinks the “investment” will buy.
Yep. Yale must have cut a nice check for her to show up…
Why isn’t this vile, venal witch in prison, already?
Because of another corrupt witch, jeff sessions.
When will everyone get this?
Because Trump doesn’t want her there.
Nothing helps the conservative cause more than Hillary front and center for the Democrats.
Hm. Hillary used a prop and delivered a joke effectively.
If she had been able to do that once in a while during the campaign, she might have won. Just that little bit of humanity would have been a huge change to her image.
File that under too little, too late!
So what makes her think that campaigning in Michigan would have helped her cause? Everywhere that corrupt enabling grifter went, her poll numbers dropped.
Hey Yellow Man, can I gets me an amen??
Hillary 2020: “Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity.”
Guard: “Just remember to finish D block this time. And don’t put the damn mop away wet again”
The surprise won’t be if Hillary speaks.
Can she f***8ng shyt up.
The world wonders.
You know those voices you hear at 3 AM, Hillary? The voices that call you a loser and remind you that everything you ever achieved was on your husband’s coattails?
They’re right. You are a loser. Everybody is sick of you.
Now do what the voices tell you to do, Hillary. It will end the suffering.
Kinda fitting that Podestas non-concession concession speech came at 3AM on Nov 9th, since Hillary was “indisposed” at that hour.
“It’s 3am and your children are safe and asleep. But there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing. … Who do you want answering the phone?”
The People evidently didn’t want to rely on a mean old drunk who was sleeping off a fifth of bourbon at that hour.
PTL she didn’t get elected. The corruption would be running wild under this person’s “leadership” and Putin would be much happier with this sock puppet in place, willing to sell anything to enrich her bank account.
She put on a Russian hat. No shame.
There are also a few other things that came out:
-I think this is the first time I hear of Hillary admitting to making mistakes.
-She admitted to using “Chardonnay” to cope with her defeat. Of course, it was likely NOT exactly Chardonnay.
“Chardonnay”? Whose she? I though this was only Huma’s gig.
“Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity.”
Kitty NeverTrump sees his reflection in mirror and freezes.
Make no mistake she will be running in 2020.
Half the Democrat Party will be running in 2020. There is no leader, just a dozen newbie wannabes and several past sell date has-beens.
Good 🙂
Hillary’s Russian Hat must have been a gift for selling Russia 20% of US uranium interests . . .
That, and a lifetime supply of Russian Wodka.
Which, in Hillarys case, could break the Russian economy again.
Um, what exactly do you mean by this? You seem to think that she actually sold something to someone. Didn’t happen.
obama forced her into running as his third term, instead of letting hillary run her first term the way she wanted. Maybe it wouldn’t have made a difference or would not have seemed any different. The takeaway is, obama was no feminist. Just a mansplainin’ hypocrite.
Even Al Gore didn’t bitch this much about losing to Bush Jr.
When Narcissists Lose: The Hillary Clinton Story
The hat fits. Just another commie with her very own hat.
Psychological State of Denial
The choice to refuse reality, then, is unconscious as well. Refusal to admit to or accept a truth or fact differs from denial in that the individual recognizes or is conscious of the existence of the truth or fact but consciously refuses to accept it as such.