Cornell Student Presents Thesis Dressed In Underwear
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Cornell Student Presents Thesis Dressed In Underwear

Cornell Student Presents Thesis Dressed In Underwear

“Immediately after, 28 of the 44 people there slowly started to remove their clothes”

A Cornell University student delivered her Thesis dressed in underwear.

She made the decision to do this after her professor questioned her choice of clothing. The presentation was for a performing and media arts course. That’s one way to grab people’s attention!

The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Student Presents Thesis In Underwear After Professor Questions Choice of Clothing

“Strip, everybody!” said Letitia Chai ’18, as she stepped up to give her college scholar senior thesis presentation in a conference room in the Physical Sciences Building. Immediately after, 28 of the 44 people there slowly started to remove their clothes.

Chai led the demonstration Saturday morning after a clash with a professor earlier in the week, where the professor allegedly questioned her choice of clothing for a trial run of her thesis presentation on rehabilitation for displaced people and refugees.

“The first thing that the professor said to me was ‘is that really what you would wear?’” Chai explained as she detailed what happened when she tried to begin her presentation in her Wednesday section of PMA 3815 Acting in Public: Performance in Everyday Life.

Chai, who had dressed in a blue button down and cutoff jean shorts, said she was stunned.

“I think that I was so taken aback that I didn’t really know how to respond,” she said in an interview with The Sun.

Chai said that the course instructor, Prof. Rebekah Maggor, performing and media arts, went on to say that her shorts were “too short” and that as a speaker she was making a “statement” with the clothes she was wearing.

The class does not have a formalized dress code, but asks students to “dress appropriately for the persona [they] will present,” according to the course syllabus obtained by The Sun.


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healthguyfsu | May 7, 2018 at 7:58 am

Now all of this “publicity” she will get completely detracts from her actual thesis, which is the reason everyone should have been there in the first place and is supposed to represent work for the better good and societal advancement.

Get over yourselves, snowflakes…it’s sad to see someone that hasn’t grown up by the time they are ready to finish a grad program.

Morning Sunshine | May 7, 2018 at 8:42 am

I cannot wait for her to do this when she goes in to apply for a job.

Does she think this will get he a job anywhere other than for a porn website?

Maybe it was a practice run for her future in the #metoo world. I wonder how many of those aspiring actresses started to disrobe even before that casting agent suggested it.

My dad was a faculty advisor for over 150 doctoral candidates – late 60’s through early 80’s. His pupils were at our house all the time for dinner and work on the research & thesis. I remember a couple of occasions my father would have his students do the thesis presentation practice in our living room. And yes, he went over what to wear, how to not use “um” and other time fillers. “Stop. Breathe in. Formulate your response, and speak plainly & clearly. No “um’s.” (Same coaching we received as teenagers…)

This senior should be thankful that a professor cared about how she presented herself. It makes a difference in the real world.

    Another Voice in reply to bhwms. | May 7, 2018 at 12:02 pm

    “her real world” and your real world are to say “worlds apart”.
    She allows herself to be in a world up till now a taker of all that her immediate private and public community can afford her while bitching about how unfair life as she has experienced it while pursuing an education to the tune of over $100,000. She has by this one act alone demonstrated she has learned nothing while at Cornell.

paracelsus | May 7, 2018 at 8:14 pm

I keep getting requests for donations:

The inmates at Arkham have taken over.