Catholic Bishop Tells College Grads to be Politically Incorrect

This may sound unusual coming from a bishop but on today’s college campuses, it’s an act of defiance to embrace pretty much anything traditional.

The College Fix reports:

Bishop to graduates: ‘You have to be politically incorrect’A Catholic bishop recently urged graduates of Thomas Aquinas College to be “politically incorrect,” instructing them to “make the voice of reason heard in our culture” amid “the darkness of our world.”Bishop Robert C. Morlino, who oversees the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, told graduates of the Santa Paula, California college that “most college campuses these days are places of chaos and political correctness,” but that the students have been “sacramentally equipped by your baptism and confirmation and intellectually equipped by your education to be witnesses to the truth of Jesus Christ.”Citing Humanae Vitae, the seminal encyclical written by Pope Paul VI in 1968 that addressed the Catholic Church’s teachings on human sexuality and artificial contraception, Morlino told attendees that the document “absolutely condemns artificial methods of birth control: abortion, sterilization, and contraception,” because “there is an inseparable link between the procreative and unitive dimensions of human sexuality.”Sex, he said, “is not just about biological re-production. It’s about pro-creation, which is a cooperation with God’s own act of creation, where He creates a new human being, a unique and unrepeatable human person with an immortal soul and an eternal destiny.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Political Correctness