Betsy DeVos Gets Standing Ovation for Commencement Speech Despite Protests

No one gave Obama’s education secretary a second thought but DeVos has been an object of the left’s hatred of Trump. She recently got a great reception for a commencement speech, however.

The College Fix reports:

Despite protest, Betsy DeVos grad speech draws standing ovation from studentsThere’s this famous story about how Barbara Bush in 1990 won over her critics through her commencement speech at Wellesley College. Initially, many students had protested her as speaker. But in the end, the First Lady wowed the grads with her words of wisdom, earning their respect and praise.That’s similar to what just happened with U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.*Last month, some Ave Maria University alumni called on their alma mater to rescind its invitation to DeVos to speak at the commencement ceremony, suggesting “Mrs. DeVos’s policies are callous and unjust towards marginalized persons,” the Naples Daily News reports.Well, whatever negative vibes those objections might have projected onto the graduating seniors was nullified by DeVos’ words of wisdom to grads a few days ago, during which she called on the students to embrace their new lives with the heart of a servant.Citing Mother Teresa, Pope Saint John Paul II and Jesus Christ as examples, the education secretary brought the students to their feet with cheers and applause, earning the embattled leader a standing ovation, according to several news reports.“The speech earned DeVos a standing ovation from the roughly 230 undergraduate students and their families and friends,” reports WMAZ Channel 13. “The warm welcome was in stark contrast to the disapproving crowds DeVos encountered last year while speaking at the commencement ceremonies of Daytona Beach’s Bethune-Cookman University, where she was booed, and the University of Baltimore, where students turned their backs.”

Tags: Betsy Devos, College Insurrection