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Zuckerberg’s Congressional Hearing Gets the Bad Lip Reading Treatment

Zuckerberg’s Congressional Hearing Gets the Bad Lip Reading Treatment

“Mom? Could you get me my Frodo ring? I want it here.”

This is perfect.

Bad Lip Reading is one of my favorite things on the internet, so I was thrilled to see they finally got around to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s hearing before joint Senate committees.

If you’re not familiar with their work, BLR dubs over movies, sports and political clips with their own randomly synced script. They never disappoint.

Zuckerberg’s chops aren’t the only ones busted. No one is spared in the hilarity. My personal favorite (in this case) is Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Here are highlights from the hearing (as they happened in real life), if you care to compare:

And just because this still makes me chuckle:

As far as Bad Lip Reading goes, two of my all time favs are their rendition of The Empire Strikes Back and this one on Ron Paul from the 2012 election cycle.


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I love those Bad Lip Readings. Thanks for making my evening.

OMG, I so needed this! Such a fun giggle-fest of goodness.

regulus arcturus | April 30, 2018 at 7:43 pm

That’s some serious talent.

Bad Lip Reading is hilarious and they are hilarious because they don’t take sides, lol.

dude….omg…if you didn’t believe it bots and MKUltra and stuff you’d have to after one glimpse of Mr. Z.

a Zuckerberg Hitler bad lip reading would be awesome