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UC Merced Student Senate Apologizes for Funding ‘Hateful’ College Republicans

UC Merced Student Senate Apologizes for Funding ‘Hateful’ College Republicans

“nor do we believe that their actions have a place at this university”

The left does now want to have a discussion. They want to completely eliminate their political opponents.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Student senate apologizes for funding ‘hateful views’ of College Republicans

Members of the Associated Students at University of California, Merced are apologizing for their prior inaction against the UC Merced College Republicans.

“We do not believe in the sentiments expressed by the College Republicans nor do we believe that their actions have a place at this university,” a letter from multiple members of the Associated Students at UC Merced states in part. “However, we fully acknowledge that our inaction and silence may have led the student population to believe otherwise.”

The letter continues by stating that the California College Republican state conference, an event in which the student senate sponsored travel and lodging, enabled the campus conservatives “to network with individuals that share their harmful views. Ultimately, bringing back hateful sentiments to our UC Merced community.”

“Members of the senate believe that we should not tolerate or support any individual or organization that perpetuates hate speech on our campus,” the letter also states…

“The fact that our school slandered our actions as ‘violent’ is serious, it paints a false picture of the club, when all we did was stand there holding our signs, peacefully. These incidents are clear examples of Republicans being discriminated against because of our beliefs,” UC Merced College Republican Treasurer Johnathon Turner said in a statement.


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