Sen. Kamala Harris cracks disturbing Trump joke on Ellen

I warned you that former Senator Barbara Boxer’s replacement would be worse for the country that the pixie politician.

I was right… again.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) cracked a tasteless joke on The Ellen DeGeneres Show during one of her answers to a hypothetical question offered by the host.

DeGeneres asked Harris a series of lighthearted questions, ranging from whether she has any tattoos (no) to her celebrity crush (Tito Jackson).She was then asked, “If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, (Vice President) Mike Pence or (Attorney General) Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”“Does one of us have to come out alive?” Harris asked, prompting cheers from the audience. Harris laughed hysterically at the joke and took a second to compose herself.


Let’s reflect about Harris’ response for a bit. Can you imagine what would have happened if a Republican senator had cracked a similar joke about Obama and his officials?

Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that the quip came so easily to her lips. Harris is reputed to be one of the leading contenders of the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee in 2020. In order for her to joke about death so readily, without batting an eye, means that she is in an environment in which quips about the death of Trump and his team members is common fare.

In June of last year, Congressman Steve Scalise nearly lost his life when the Republican baseball team was hunted down by a progressive assassin. I believe this casual ability to wish harm to or the death of conservatives so readily was a contributing factor. The fact that the EPA Administration Scott Pruitt or the Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have substantially enhance security, costing the taxpayers millions to provide, is a testament to the toxicity Harris adds to with such remarks.

As a Californian, whom Harris is supposed to represent, I look forward to her forthcoming apology to President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions . . . as do a number of other Americans.

Tags: Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence