Right on Cue: Giuliani Will be Attacked for Helping Trump

A familiar pattern plays out when anyone comes to President Trump’s defense. They get targeted for destruction.

Now that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has joined Trump’s legal team to reportedly negotiate an end to the Mueller investigation, he will have a target on his back.

Take a look at this piece from Politico by Josh Gerstein and Darren Samuelsohn:

Giuliani’s history raises legal questions as he takes on Trump defenseAs a prominent surrogate for Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, Rudy Giuliani was an active purveyor of pre-election leaks about the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails. As a member of Trump’s transition, he played a political role during a period central to Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.Now, Giuliani is taking on the high-profile job of helping lead Trump’s legal team combating that investigation — and other lawyers say his past activities could present conflicts, depending on how Mueller proceeds.”The big problem here is how likely is he to become a witness in the case, whether it be in a grand jury or otherwise,” said Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor. “You can’t be a witness and a lawyer in the same case. That’s the big sticking point.”…Another issue of potential conflict: Giuliani’s effort to broker a deal to resolve the case of Turkish-Iranian gold dealer Reza Zarrab, who was accused of violating U.S. law by helping Iran evade economic sanctions related to its nuclear program. Giuliani revealed in an affidavit filed last April that he met with Turkish President Recep Erdogan in an effort to resolve Zarrab’s case as part of “some agreement between the United States and Turkey that will promote the national security interests of the United States.”

Here’s how the column concludes:

“The same reason Trump wants [Giuliani] — his knowledge and his access — make it likely he’s going to have some type of conflict,” Levenson said. “It may be a short-term representation.”

The message is clear. There will “likely” be conflict. And if there’s anything that can be used to discredit Giuliani, the media will find it.

The left will not be deterred. They want the Mueller investigation to continue until something, anything is found which can undo the results of the 2016 election.

The next best option is for the investigation to continue for as long as Trump is president, casting a shadow over his administration.

John Cassidy of the New Yorker has already made up his mind about this Giuliani foolishness:

Rudy Giuliani’s Wishful Thinking About Trump and MuellerSo Giuliani, Trump’s loyal ally, didn’t go to work for the Trump Administration—until Thursday, when he announced that he was joining the White House legal team that is dealing with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. “I’m doing it because I hope we can negotiate an end to this for the good of the country and because I have high regard for the president and for Bob Mueller,” Giuliani told the Washington Post. Giuliani will take a leave of absence from his law firm, which is separate from his security firm, and work alongside Trump’s attorneys Jay Sekulow and Ty Cobb. (The Wall Street Journal reported that the former mayor will be an unpaid volunteer.)…The recruitment of Giuliani and the leaking of the news about Rosenstein’s statements to Trump looked like part of a White House effort to promote the narrative that Mueller’s investigation is entering its final stages, and that the President is largely in the clear. In an interview with the New York Post on Thursday, Giuliani said he that intended to contact Mueller, whom he has known for a long time, and request a list of what is needed to “comply” with the rest of the investigation. “I don’t know yet what’s outstanding,” he said. “But I don’t think it’s going to take more than a week or two to get a resolution. They’re almost there.” In yet another interview, with CNN, he described Mueller as fair and said firing him would be “counterproductive,” because it would delay the completion of the probe. “Bob is the best we can do,” he said.But the idea that Mueller may be almost done, and that Giuliani may be able to wrap things up quickly and graciously, seems like it might well be wishful thinking on Giuliani’s part.

This is just the beginning. The more successful Giuliani is in this effort, the more negative the coverage will become.

Tags: Robert Mueller, Rudy Giuliani, Trump Administration