PHOTO: Gaza “protesters” loft molotov cocktail on swastika kite over Israeli border

Today is the fourth Friday in an ongoing series of clashes at the Gaza-Israel border fence.

In prior coverage we’ve noted how the civilian protests served as cover for attempts to breach and plant explosives at the border fence. These were military terror operations using civilian protests as cover.

On April 6, huge tire fires were set to create a smokescreen for the terror efforts.

The claim that Israel indiscriminately shot people or shot peaceful protesters is belied by the fact that the vast majority of Gazans killed at the border were military members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other terror groups.

One of the most enduring images of the border clashes was the planting of a swastika flag next to Palestinian flags near the border:

Once again today, tires were burned to create a smokescreen:

But this time the “protesters” have come up with a new tactic — flying kites with flaming molotov cocktails and other incendiary attachments over the border fence.

AFP Reports:

Palestinians protesting along the Gaza border have begun attaching Molotov cocktails to kites to fly over the fence into Israel in a new tactic as demonstrations enter their fourth week.For protests set for Friday, Gazans were hoping to send dozens of kites over the fence, including some carrying notes telling Israelis “there is no place for you in Palestine.”On the eve of Friday’s protests, a group of young people worked with coloured paper and empty coke bottles under a tree in an olive orchard hundreds of metres from the Israeli border east of Gaza City.Some carefully created 60-centimetre-long kites in the colours of the Palestinian flag. When completed, a metal wire was attached at the bottom linked to a liquid-filled bottle.As AFP watched, three young men carried one kite dozens of metres towards the border before stopping to set the bottle alight.With the flame lit, they sent it into the air and cut the thread — watching as it floated over the border and crashed, causing a small fire.

Hamas’s al-Qassam brigade tweeted this image:

This image tweeted by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows burning fields on the Israeli side:

True to form, once again a swastika was used.

Jonathan Conricus, IDF spokesman, tweeted imaged of a kite with a swastika on it on the ground, and in flight with a molotov cocktail attached:

Here are the full images from the tweet:

This shows the swastika kite from a different angle:

AFP posted this photo (via Times of Israel)

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestinian Terror