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Ohio State is Training Students to “Resist ICE”

Ohio State is Training Students to “Resist ICE”

“an opportunity for us to get involved in the immigrant’s struggle on campus”

Funny, I don’t remember anything like this happening on Obama’s watch despite the fact that he deported people too.

The College Fix reports:

Ohio State hosts deportation defense training

The Central Ohio Worker Center, in partnership with the Young Democratic Socialists of America, presented a deportation defense training workshop at Ohio State University over the weekend.

The April 21 training aimed to create an opportunity for Ohio State students to have a “more concrete vision of what immigrant justice looks like when we work together,” according to the center’s website.

“They will give us an understanding of the best ways we can help prevent deportations, protect the undocumented workers in our community, and resist ICE. This is an opportunity for us to get involved in the immigrant’s struggle on campus,” the event’s Facebook page states.

Prior to the training, organizers chalked Ohio State with messages such as “Protect Immigrants,” “”Resist ICE” and “Protect Immigrants from ICE.”

The event comes at a time when a federal judge recently ruled that the DACA protections must stay in place and that the government must continue to accept new DACA applications. Ohio State University President Michael Drake joined nearly 800 other university presidents this past October urging Congress to take action and permanently protect students enrolled in the DACA program, according to The Lantern.


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Hey, go ahead and resist, you would be amazed how quick someone’s attitude changes when you give them a little “stick time”.

filiusdextris | April 30, 2018 at 2:12 pm

I assume that but for the free speech issues involved, this would be classified as criminal behavior.

nordic_prince | April 30, 2018 at 8:06 pm

Immigrants have nothing to fear as long as they don’t violate the terms of their permanent residency.

Illegal aliens, on the other hand, are – wait for it – ILLEGAL, and hence SHOULD fear the authorities. They have broken the LAW and should be held accountable.

At least in a sane world, they would be.

(brief Google check)

In Kansas, K.S.A. 21-5904

21-5904. Interference with law enforcement. (a) Interference with law enforcement is:

(2) concealing, destroying or materially altering evidence with the intent to prevent or hinder the apprehension or prosecution of any person; or
(3) knowingly obstructing, resisting or opposing any person authorized by law to serve process in the service or execution or in the attempt to serve or execute any writ, warrant, process or order of a court, or in the discharge of any official duty.

johnnycab23513 | May 1, 2018 at 9:42 am

Pull all funding and cancel all student loans to all institutions that are encouraging and teaching students to break federal laws!!!