New Book Reveals Hillary’s Reaction To Her Loss: “They Were Never Going To Let Me Be President”

According to Amy Chozick’s new book, when Hillary Clinton learned that she had lost the election to Donald Trump, she said:  “I knew it. I knew this would happen to me. . . . They were never going to let me be president.”

Fox News reports:

Hillary Clinton lamented that “they were never going to let me be president” on election night in 2016, a new book detailing her White House bids claims.. . . .  And on election night in November, The Daily Beast said Chozick wrote that when Mook was allegedly tasked with notifying Clinton of the results, she reportedly replied: “I knew it. I knew this would happen to me …” the Daily Beast said.“They were never going to let me be president,” Clinton was reportedly quoted as saying.

Chozick, writing at the New York Times in an essay adapted from her book, has more.

I figured that if anyone knew whom Mrs. Clinton was referring to with that insidious “they” that, like some invisible army of adversaries (real and imagined), wielded its collective power and caused her to lose the most winnable presidential election in modern history, it was me.

They were the vast-right wing conspiracy. They were the patriarchy that could never let an ambitious former first lady finally shatter “that highest, hardest glass ceiling.” They were the people of Wisconsin and James Comey. They were white suburban women who would rather vote for a man who bragged about sexual assault than a woman who seemed an affront to who they were.

Chozick also writes that Hillary’s campaign “never really felt like a winning campaign.”

Until the last day on the road, though, it never really felt like a winning campaign. Not that I thought Mr. Trump would win. I believed in the data. Yet I couldn’t shake the nagging sensation that no matter how many people I’d met in black churches and union halls and high school gyms around the country who told Hillary Clinton their problems, no matter how many women chanted, “Deal me in!” in unison, she wouldn’t win.

I looked around at a get-out-the-vote rally in Akron, Ohio. It was just over a month until Election Day. Dozens of empty chairs sat in the press area. Extension cords dangled unused off folding tables. Cherry pickers set up to give photographers an aerial shot sat idle.

. . . . By late fall, the traveling press — called “the Girls on the Bus” since on any given day, of our cohort of about 20 regular reporters, as many as 18 of us were women — were calling it Hillary’s Death March to Victory.

Fox News reports that Chozick’s book is not being embraced by at least one former Hillary campaign staffer.

In a statement to Fox News, a former campaign staffer who saw an early copy of the book said, “The challenge on the campaign was that you had a reporter holding the Clintons to a higher standard through a lower standard of reporting.””Amy was not always an honest broker, and this book seems to be more of the same,” they continued. “It ridicules people with a smile, contributing little to the public discourse.”

Tags: 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton