Migrant caravan reaches US/Mexico border town of Tijuana
“If members of the ‘caravan’ enter the country illegally, they will be referred for prosecution for illegal entry in accordance with existing law.”

About 3 weeks ago, Legal Insurrection’s Mary Chastain noted that the caravan of immigrants from Central America was continuing its journey to the United States, despite being “disbanded” in Mexico City.
Now, a contingent from that caravan is encamped in the border town of Tijuana.
Numerous tents were set up at the Movimiento Juventud 2000 shelter in Tijuana, just south of California, to house the migrants — who have said they are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries — before they attempt to surrender at the U.S. Port of Entry.
About 300 migrants are expected to sleep in the shelter before taking the last step of attempting to cross the border and possibly request asylum. It’s the largest number of migrants taking part in the caravan to reach the border — about 50 members arrived late last week, Reuters reported.
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has warned the “caravan” of that they could face prosecution, detention, and deportation if they attempt to cross the border illegally.
“DHS continues to monitor the remnants of the ‘caravan’ of individuals headed to our Southern border with the apparent intention of entering the United States illegally,” Nielsen said in a statement. “A sovereign nation that cannot—or worse, chooses not—to defend its borders will soon cease to be a sovereign nation. The Trump administration is committed to enforcing our immigration laws – whether persons are part of this ‘caravan’ or not.”
Nielsen outlined immigration law in her statement, warning those attempting to enter illegally.
“If members of the ‘caravan’ enter the country illegally, they will be referred for prosecution for illegal entry in accordance with existing law,” Nielsen said. “For those seeking asylum, all individuals may be detained while their claims are adjudicated efficiently and expeditiously, and those found not to have a claim will be promptly removed from the United States.”
To expedite the adjudication process, the Trump Administration is sending a “legal response team” of lawyers and judges to the border.
“DHS, in partnership with [the Department of Justice], is taking a number of steps to ensure that all cases and claims are adjudicated promptly,” [Nielsen] said. Those steps, she said, include sending additional attorneys from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, additional asylum officers from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and additional immigration judges and prosecutors from the Department of Justice to the border.
Additionally, President Donald Trump renewed the threat Monday to make tighter control of the southern border a condition of a new and improved North American Free Trade Agreement.
“Mexico, whose laws on immigration are very tough, must stop people from going through Mexico and into the U.S.,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “We may make this a condition of the new NAFTA Agreement.”

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Considering that Hispanics are second to blacks for committing crimes, and that we already have large numbers of illegals and their spawn, they should turn all of them away.
We also need start to killing those who try to enter illegally. Our current system of catch and release only results in repeated tries until they get into America. That would greatly lower the incentive to sneak into America.
And last, we need to amend of rescind the 14th Amendment to permanently fix the anchor baby problem.
It is long past time for really tough love.
This is either pathologically extreme sarcasm or a lefty pretending to be on the right, in order point to it later as evidence of Conservative depravity. (iow a false flag disinformation operation)
I suggest the comment be deleted and the poster banned.
I agree. This poster has consistently been pushing a blatantly racist line, either sincerely or (as I suspect) as a moby.
I don’t much care about race, but we have all seen that some groups have much higher crime rates, and that is something we do not need.
I have learned that the minute someone starts tossing around claims of racism, they are usually con artists, scheemers looking for handouts of one sort or another.
At this point in time, immigration should be based on intelligence, education, and skills which collectively improve America. That is what is in America’s best interest. We should not be taking people which opposite are of those traits. large numbers of the people Obama allowed in have average IQs under 70.
“Large numbers of the people Obama allowed in have average IQs under 70….”
No surprise there: like-minded people think alike.
“At this point in time, immigration should be based on intelligence, education, and skills which collectively improve America.”
How magnanimous of you, given that your list of requirements would exclude you.
Henry, I am a science and math type, genius mid 170s, granted with some specific limitations, probably caused by Aspergers. I tend to be very analytical, not easily swayed by emotional arguments.
The bottom line, is that allowing America to be dumbed down is not a good idea. Our economy is driven by those with higher IQs. There is a reason that poor areas of the world mostly stay poor, and bringing those people to America will mostly lead to a bigger underclass.
You do not need to take my word for this, numerous European countries have allowed large numbers of militant dimwits to enter, and they are suffering for that error.
I do not wish for the poor to be downtrodden, but I also do not want to squander my resources (or see public resources squandered), money or time fixing their problems which probably cannot be fixed because of their nature. I have lots of business experience where I tried again and again, only to find that you can take people out of the ghetto, but it is damn near impossible to take the ghetto out of them. Sooner or later, their ghetto demons return to destroy them.
“We also need start to killing those who try to enter illegally.”
This idiocy isn’t the fault of Aspergers.
Henry, illegal entry is an asymmetrical problem where illegals have huge advantages. It is expensive to keep them out, expensive to remove them and expensive to have them here.
The key to fixing the problem at low cost are severe consequences for trying to enter or being here.
Current policy has not worked.
We are being invaded from the south by people with demonstrated high probability to become criminals.
Rounding up illegals is very expensive and has not been very effective.
How long has this been a problem, what are the aggregate costs to Americans? Not just what it costs to imprison them when they commit crimes.
Ergo, we need to make them want to leave as fast as possible.
If you enter the country illegally, ie, INVADE, you are a criminal. Now the lib-dems and progs try to use nice words, but invasion by any other name is, invasion.
Eisenhower had a solution in 1954 … Operation Wetback, headed by General ‘Jumpin’ Joe’ Swing. Study it. Read about it. It worked in 1954. It will work again … we need Operation Wetback II.
Why ban the poster? Free speech is free speech. Perhaps you are in favor of Facebook, et al, banning conservatives? I happen to agree with the poster BTW.
Yes, just like MSNBC’s mouthpiece Joy Reid.
The key phrase, “for those seeking asylum,” tells you all you need to know. Also, heavy use of the “could” word. Asylum entry is controlled by the UN, not the US. Stupidly, we play by the rules. Every single one of these refugees will be on welfare within a month. And they will not be deported, no matter what Trump says.
They need to be stopped BEFORE they cross the US border. Once they reach the end zone, game over. We are chumps.
UN rules require “refugees” to apply for asylum in the first safe country they enter. These “refugees” have just crossed Mexico. They could, and should, have applied for asylum there, if they were real refugees. But as we know, they are not. They are simply economic opportunists, and they know that the U.S. offers them more welfare and other benefits than Mexico. They should not be allowed to enter the U.S., nor should they be allowed to apply for asylum, as they have already violated international asylum laws by not applying for it in Mexico.
And I hope to God that’s the argument used agaisnt them in their ‘hearings’.
If we let them in, WE belong in an asylum.
About 300 migrants are expected to sleep in the shelter before taking the last step of attempting to cross the border
Sounds like much of the invasion force evaporated along the way.
It had been around 1000 strong, so it certainly has shrunk in size. It didn’t seem clear if the 300 were new adding to the 50 already there.
If people are seeking an escape from an untenable situation, I don’t have a problem given them aid, but why go through Mexico which could give them a place to live, why should we have been their stated goal, along with the threat given that they are coming to the US like a dare to our country that they have the right to do as they please.
It’s like the idiots who claim to be citizens of the world, so they don’t have to follow laws or rules they don’t agree with.
RE: “why should we have been their stated goal?”
CAUSE….FREE STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(More specifically, Uni-Party Free Stuff like Teddy Bears at the border crossing – all paid for by the U.S. Taxpayer!)
About the time it started hitting the news here– and Trump started mentioning that no, that wasn’t cool– the reporters that were with it noticed groups of 100 or so guys each pealing off and “vanishing” in the night.
They are likely already at least attempting to cross the border, if they’re not waiting for the circus to tie up more border patrol.
Put snipers at the boarder, and take out the organizers herding these people.
Swarms of interconnected small drones, a mix of surveillance and anti personnel, may be better than snippers. recording terminations and publishing them may serve as a deterrent.
The pictures that I have seen show primarily young men. And, the number is limited at this point in time. But, if this group is allowed in, will that open the floodgates to future “refugees”?
Just think back to Europe just a short time ago with the big long lines of people moving through Europe to the most desirable countries.
Big long lines of people? They were all military-aged males. One woman for at least every 50 men.
US really needs to stop with the ridiculous asylum requests. Since when are we suppossed to be a sanctuary nation? I really do feel for some people, but by and large they are economic opportunists. No doubt they will all request asylum and be living on the dole within a month.
Military age “children” from the looks of it….gaining a beach head for chaining. These are future Democrat voters. Victor Davis Hansen at a Keen County presentation (on Youtube) discussed the California dream is turning into a blue state quagmire with the only long term hope lying not with coastal elites but interior California. 150,000 Californians out of 40 million residents pay 50% of state taxes. Even the plans of Pat Brown have been undone by his son. Generational decay.
Kern County….Bakersfield.
This is the talk. The Libs are deaf and blind to reality.
Their useful idiots sure are. But their handlers are not: they are bout as ‘blind’ as Merkel, and they are seeking to destroy the nation as we know it.
why is it so hard to understand that what we are experiencing is
a slow walk invasion, with the collusion and encouragement of
the LibRulers who want votes (they are attempting voting age change to 16) and for “Republicans” cheap labor.
if we cannot stop them now, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!
You got it! They’ve sold their “souls” for filthy money.
RE: “the LibRulers who want votes (they are attempting voting age change to 16) and for “Republicans” cheap labor.”
Wonder what proportion of them are ISIS Terrorists……..
This seems strange to me. Why are they letting them cross the border? Is Trump allowing this for some reason? Our military can’t tag and stop 300 people from coming in?
Someone is testing the system right as the Supreme Court is discussing the “travel ban”. I can only hope this is Trump’s administration rope-a-doping his opponents.
This strikes me as some sort of pre-planned exchange. In exchange for ending the “caravan” of thousands of ordinary Mexicans just wanting to go north, Mexico gets rid of 300 un-wanted refugees?
Is one side or the other bringing forward the refugees they want on the front line of the new Supreme Court Travel Ban ruling? Certainly the timing is spot on.
Clearly there is a purpose to this. I wonder what it is.
Where did you get the idea that anyone is letting them cross the border? Not even 0bama deliberately let people cross. But it’s impossible to patrol the entire border all the time, so many people do get across when nobody is looking. That appears to be what these people plan to do as well. If they’re caught in the act they certainly won’t be allowed in. But chances are good that they won’t be caught.
Once they’re inside the border, even if they are caught they’re entitled to due process and all the other constitutional protections, so they can’t just be picked up bodily and thrown back over.
Another thing they may do is openly walk up to a legal entry point and ask for asylum. They have every legal right to do so, and if they do they’re entitled to a hearing before being deported, which takes time.
Not if this is true as noted above:
UN rules require “refugees” to apply for asylum in the first safe country they enter.
So, you are telling me that our military can’t track these 300 people and they can just sneak through? Really? Wow.
You apply for asylum in the US Embassy in your own country, no? I think that’s how it works. It’s far easier to INVADE the US and basically say, “screw your laws, I’m coming anyway”. If a 3rd-world craphole has no respect for my country or its’ laws, I have no respect for that person …. who BTW, has an average 4th grade education. Yup …. that’s the ticket for success!
OH! JUST LIKE AN EX!!!!!!!!!
Trump’s Immigration Actions Reverse Obama’s Open Borders Policy:
“President Donald Trump signed two executive orders on Jan. 25 that constitute an almost complete reversal of the Obama administration’s nonenforcement and open borders policy.”
oooohhhh…that article had a VERY interesting nugget:
“Implement sanctions against all ‘recalcitrant’ countries that refuse to take back their nationals who are deported from the U.S.”
sooo.. looking at the photo…… what country are they from?
“But it’s impossible to patrol the entire border all the time”
Wrong, swarms of thousands, maybe tens of thousands of drones patrolling 24 x 7 can patrol, and can terminate illegals before they can get past those drones. They will always be alert, cannot be bribed, and with enough of them cannot be circumvented.
“…Once they’re inside the border, even if they are caught they’re entitled to due process and all the other constitutional protections, so they can’t just be picked up bodily and thrown back over.”
You’re wrong. Mexican nationals can be sent right back across the border. They’re not entitled to anything. It’s a little more complicated for OTMs, but DHS can contact their home countries’ embassies and then send them back via charter flights.
They are not entitled to due process. DHS guidelines make a distinction between “removals” and “returns.” A removal is a deportation; the illegal alien is removed from the country after an immigration judge issues a removal order. If the Border Patrol catches illegal aliens in the act of or shortly after crossing the border illegally they can simply turn them around and return them to their home country. Again, this is how Mexican nationals caught at the border are normally handled.
If you recall, Barack Obama and his flunky Jeh Johnson were inflating his deportation numbers by counting illegal aliens apprehended at the border and returned as deportations. Johnson was forced to admit this in Congressional testimony in March 2014.
“In a stunning admission before a House Committee panel on Tuesday, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson admitted that the Obama Administration has been artificially inflating deportation numbers. While the administration has claimed a “record number” of deportations, earning Pres. Obama the nickname “Deporter in Chief”, Johnson admitted that they have been counting border apprehensions that are turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers as deportations.
During a House Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) said to Johnson, ‘Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations.’
Johnson responded, ‘Correct.’…”
Culberson clearly meant returns. Apprehensions at the border by the Border Patrol do not count as deportations; i.e. removals. Illegal aliens who are returned never see an immigration judge. Deportations were actually down under Obama so they had to commit a fraud against the American people to fool them into thinking otherwise. So Obama wouldn’t have to get tough on illegal aliens.
so up next for ‘People Without Borders’ is Human Shield Attacks to cross the border.. it worked well for that other open borders organization the Gaza Muslims..
Now days, far too often immigration results in dumbing down America. We would be better off taking in Europeans whose countries are currently being destroyed by their really stupid immigration policies.
In the interest of some much-needed reality here…
1. asylum-seekers are NOT even “illegal aliens”…yet. And they may or may not become illegal aliens after their claims are given due process;
2. very few asylum-seekers are innocent of any economic motive…staying alive, out of prison, and healthy are the most basic economic interest one could have;
3. the “first safe nation” stuff batted around here by instant international law experts demands the premise Mexico is a “safe nation”…a very open question;
4. net migration of Mexicans over the last several years shows them leaving, not “invading”;
5. from accounts, some…maybe many…of the caravan are making asylum claims in Mexico;
6. the “data-point” that the caravaners are “low IQ people” is risible…who the fluck administered any IQ test?… and what nut-hatchery published that consummate bullshit?;
7. according to Dr. Thomas Sowell, IIRC around mid-century in the U.S., Jews were testing with low IQ;
8. killing people on the border would result in a convulsion of sympathy among Americans FOR illegals already here or coming;
9. how many ISIS infiltrators are there among the 300? Likely none. ISIS has fighters with valid British, Canadian, etc. passports who could fly into the U.S. first class and stay here legally for a nice visit;
10. this isn’t a unique…or even new…phenomenon. It happened every year for the last several years at just about this time of year;
11. 300 people approaching our southern border is not an existential threat to the U.S. It’s hardly even a point-load problem for the LEOs, who see this kind of thing many times a year.
Illegal immigration is NOT an intractable problem. Simple, rational steps…rather obvious steps…are all that’s required. I’ve spelled them out enough times I’m sick of the exercise, but if someone in good faith asks, I do it again.
“net migration of Mexicans over the last several years shows them leaving, not “invading”;”
Not enough are leaving, and they are not leaving fast enough.
“the “data-point” that the caravaners are “low IQ people” is risible…who the fluck administered any IQ test?… and what nut-hatchery published that consummate bullshit?;”
There is a great deal of published data and research concerning IQ by country, regions of countries, race and more. For one example of low IQ, take a look at what Obama dropped on Minnesota, people from Somalia, average IQ = 68. While you are at it, check for research that also happens to have been done at the University of Minnesota regarding studies and conclusions about genetics versus environment.
The truth is that a bad environment can lower performance of a person below their innate ability, while a perfect environment cannot fix low IQ cases by genetics.
Starting around the sixties, it was politically correct to attribute low performance to environment, subsequent research, much to the dismay of underprivileged people, has shown that most of the problem is genetic.
This matters, and while we do not yet have technology to yet fix low IQ, there is reason to believe that we will eventually be able to do so. Until that happens, we must deal with reality.
You’re having trouble with your argument.
What data do you have on the people in the caravan? I suggest none. They are probably ALSO Christian.
So, is it just non-Europeans? How do you explain the low IQ scores of the Jews in America only decades ago? How do you explain the Chinese and Japanese?
“For one example of low IQ, take a look at what Obama dropped on Minnesota, people from Somalia, average IQ = 68.”
Where did you get that? We have a fairly large Somali population in Houston, and they work hard, live well, and are making real contributions. There is no correlation with Islam, as many are Christians.
I’ve long held that “IQ” is a very dubious measure of intelligence. I also hold that we are just beginning to realize there are many forms of “intelligence”.
But this is about individuals, not groups, religions, or even cultures.
Your nonsense is like the prejudice of Northeastern elites, who are utterly convinced that Southerners are poor, ill-educated, and stupid…and largely because they are Christians.
“We have a fairly large Somali population in Houston, and they work hard, live well, and are making real contributions. There is no correlation with Islam, as many are Christians.”
Your very best point, however you are too blind to see it.
Many are NOT Christians. They do well, also.
Talk about “blind”…
And, just enter “somalis in minnesota crime”
Also, how much welfare and aid are they collecting?
My experience is that severely impaired people are usually “nice”. The real question is should we be importing them?
If Mexico can’t be deemed a “safe” nation for refugees because of the presence of violent gangs there, then neither can the U.S., as we have plenty of violent gangs here too.
This “caravan” has just spent many weeks traveling across Mexico unmolested. For the members of the caravan to pretend that they would somehow be “safer” in the U.S. than in Mexico is ridiculous.
As noted above, international asylum law is supposed to be about getting to the first safe country. Not the safest country, or the country where you’d prefer to live, or the country where many of your relative are already living, and certainly not the country with the most generous welfare benefits.
“according to Dr. Thomas Sowell, IIRC around mid-century in the U.S., Jews were testing with low IQ”
Someone must have been testing jews from Africa. Ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQ in the world, about 112, and they are responsible for a staggering number of advancements.
They are one group whose loss would be a mortal blow for all of humanity.
You’d have to read Dr. Sowell’s work on the subject.
There is data that the average IQ of Americans was around 70 in the early 1900s.
“There is data that the average IQ of Americans was around 70 in the early 1900s.”
Did your grandparents have a lot of kids? That could be a reason for such a steep dip in the curve.
There was no “dip” in the curve. Look up “average”.
You might also want to look up the term “heritable”. Some traits are well linked in genetics. Some are not. Intelligence is only weakly linked.
Right. Poodles and collies are smart. Border collies herd. Labs retrieve. Hounds hunt. Pit Bulls “can” be vicious.
And your best point of the day…Somali Christians make good neighbors and it has nothing to do with their IQ.
Even a blind squirrel gets an acorn now and then.
You really are a bigoted lil’ idiot. Plus, you can’t read and understand English.
So do you think I am that way because of nature or nurture?
I’m getting confused. You seemed to be implying above that you don’t think nature could be responsible for the no-go neighborhoods because you know many hard working Christian Somali immigrants who make great neighbors.
I said that was a good point. But apparently you don’t feel you made a good point. Normally, I would agree with you, but I’m still curious. If it’s not the reasons you stated above, what is a common “nurture” thread in those instantly forming no-go zone neighborhoods? Can you think of anything? Or is that a bit above your IQ pay grade?
Rags gets upset about IQ, that is likely a result of being from a group that does not fair well with IQ testing. Perhaps this is an emotional response response to feelings of inadequacy?
JustAssDelivered is from a low IQ population with teeny penises and balls that failed to drop, according to peer-reviewed literature.
Sure, you can trust me on this…look it up on the interwebs. It’s science, and everyone agrees.
Reading through Rags replies to other people is fun, it seems like just about anyone can pull Rags chain and wind him up
Rags, you are so lame it is funny.
LOL! Lets see it!!
Do you imagine that the average IQ for Caucasians in the US went from 70 to 100 in a single century?
That must have been the result of an amazing highly selective breeding program. You’d think the whole world would know if such a thing had happened.
The odds of that happening by random chance, without such a selective breeding program, are infinitesimal. ZERO, really.
Literally the only way to get a data set like that in the US around 1900, if you were random sampling and not just testing only the dumbest people you could find, would be if you randomly sampled people of purely sub-saharan African descent.
See, I maintain a healthy skepticism about ALLLLLLLLL claims made by “science”. That makes me a good scientific thinker.
I don’t like swallowing any-flucking-thing because “literally everyone believes it”. That claim is very often simply a lie told to bolster an argument.
Of COURSE “intelligence is genetic” AND we don’t yet understand HOW heritable it is OR why often it ISN’T. Why do geniuses often come from average (or below) parents?
We don’t know a lot about intelligence, and I’m not convinced we have really good measures for it, OR that they’ve produced reliable data across time and space.
The study results showed an average increase of about three IQ points every ten years.
Haha. Did they use hockey sticks to measure it?
As for “Why do geniuses often come from average (or below) parents? ”
As for the “below” part, maybe mom enjoyed discussing physics with the pool boy? Regardless, what you are asking is, “why do brown haired parents have children with blonde or red hair”.
Come on, you’ve walked yourself into a corner here and now you are just making up stupid stuff to get out of it. The bottom line is that immigrants who are smart or who belong to cultures that promote healthy family and community interactions will generally do well. Those that do not fall into the trap of welfare and gangs and no-go zones to help them cope. And yes, there are the “red -haired” individuals from all groups who defy the odds.