Harvard Clubs to Sue University Over Single-Sex Ban

I don’t blame these students for suing. Shouldn’t they have the freedom to make these decisions on their own?

The College Fix reports:

After single-sex group ban, Harvard clubs prepare to sue the universityA “coalition of fraternities and final clubs” will sue Harvard for placing sanctions on single-sex organizations, a policy that has apparently already contributed to a sharp decrease in the recruitment of at least some of the university’s single-sex clubs.The lawsuit “will likely begin in the next two months” and if it is successful it “would set a strong precedent for other colleges, such as Yale, also weighing how to handle debates over the place on campus of single-sex social groups,” according to The Yale Daily News.Harvard’s single-sex club sanctions, which level various administrative penalties against both men and women who join male- or female-only clubs, were finalized last year. They received the support of numerous faculty. The school initially proposed a “bridge program” to allow female-only groups time to transition to gender-neutral organizations, but earlier this year it yanked that program and forced those groups to transition ahead of schedule.Among the legal arguments that the current lawsuit is alleged to raise is the assertion that “Harvard is discriminating based on sex because it is excluding students from full participation in university activities simply based on the sex of the persons with whom they associate,” according to The News.That line of attack would “rely on Supreme Court cases where the court has “construe[d] ‘discrimination’ under Title IX broadly” to hold that an educational institution is discriminating against an individual ‘on the basis of sex’ without actually discriminating against an individual person because of that person’s sex,” the paper reports.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard