Diversity is now the holiest sacrament of academia. Except for intellectual diversity, of course.
The College Fix reports:
Emporia State students demand profs add ‘diversity statement’ to syllabiStudents at Emporia State University in Kansas showed up at the college’s Faculty Senate meeting this past Tuesday to demand that professors add a “diversity, equity and inclusion statement” to their syllabi.The demand comes in response to a black student allegedly having to listen to a professor read black poet Sonia Sanchez’s “On Watching a World Series Game,” which contains multiple instances of the N-word.According to The Bulletin, student Kayla Gilmore told those assembled that “the experiences and feelings of marginalized students while at Emporia State University are real and valid […] we deserve teachers who have been trained properly to deal with microaggressions in the classroom.”To help ensure Emporia has faculty “who can actually articulate and introduce inclusive practices and education in their classrooms,” Gilmore and others want a statement in course syllabi that “foster[s] inclusiveness within the classroom and acceptance of other worldviews.”Brenda Koerner, chair of Academics Affairs Committee, said the statement would be required on syllabi, but “there would be no enforcement.” She said the addition is merely intended “to help change the culture at ESU towards one of inclusivity.”