Student Barred from Religious Studies Class for Saying There Are Two Genders
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Student Barred from Religious Studies Class for Saying There Are Two Genders

Student Barred from Religious Studies Class for Saying There Are Two Genders

“This is about free speech and the constant misuse of intellectual power in universities”

There are so many things wrong with this situation, it’s hard to know where to begin.

Campus Reform reports:

Student barred from class for claiming there are two genders

A student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania has been barred from attending a religious studies class required for graduation after pointing out that there are only two genders.

“Later this week I will be defending myself and my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS in front of the Academic Integrity Board (AIB) of the Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania (IUP) against allegations of Classroom Conduct violations,” Lake Ingle stated in a Facebook post, which was deleted after Ingle retained legal representation.

“The decision made by the AIB that day will determine whether I will be able to continue participating in my full course load, as well as graduate this May as scheduled,” Ingle continued, adding, “This is not transgender, woman’s rights, or wage issue. This is about free speech and the constant misuse of intellectual power in universities.”

According to Ingle, the class was forced to watch a Ted-Talk on February 28 featuring Paula Stone, a transgender woman, who gave examples of “mansplaining,” “male privilege,” and systematic sexism. Following the video, Ingle wrote that the instructor “opened the floor to WOMEN ONLY. Barring men from speaking until the women in the class have had their chance to speak.”

After some time had elapsed, Ingle stated he “took this opportunity to point out the official view of biologists who claim there are only two biological genders,” and refuted the “gender wage gap,” after which class resumed as normal.


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I’ve been in classes like this. There are a few dupes who merrily dance to the pied piper. Smug, self-satisfied drooling idiots. Most of the class sits silently, with expressionless faces and regurgitates what the professor wants to hear on their papers so they can get the easy A. Then there is sometimes one, maybe two with the courage to speak out. The professors love to use them as foils not realizing the class is amused at the freak show they are putting on.

Gee….refresh my memory again.

WHO are the “science deniers” again? (Biology 101, anyone?)

And THESE folks fancy themselves our intellectual superiors!

You can’t cut the irony with a knife; you’ll just dull the blade trying.

Which “normal” would that “normal” be?

You must take it on faith that a religious studies class may not necessarily be in good alignment with Biology 101 or any other science class.