Schadenfreude Alert: ‘Dreamers’ angry at Democrats as DACA deadline passes
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Schadenfreude Alert: ‘Dreamers’ angry at Democrats as DACA deadline passes

Schadenfreude Alert: ‘Dreamers’ angry at Democrats as DACA deadline passes

Also, a federal judge rules that the President’s phaseout is legal.

March 5 was supposed to be the day that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program officially ended, so the deportation protections for nearly 700,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children were not longer applicable.

However, legal wrangling has effectively extended the controversial, Obama-era, pen-and-phone program. Subsequently, ‘Dreamers’ who are unhappy with the legal limbo in which they find themselves have staged demonstrations against a surprising, new target: Democrats.

A group of DACA recipients wore white wigs and hobbled around on canes outside the Democratic National Committee in Washington to highlight how long they’ve waited for Congress to pass the DREAM Act, a bill that would protect them but has repeatedly failed since it was first introduced in 2001.

“The Democrats made the calculation to kick the can down the road and allow hundreds of thousands of us undocumented youth to live in uncertainty,” said Maria Duarte, a DACA enrollee who walked with others from New York to Washington to protest congressional inaction. “We are anxious and we are scared of being torn away from (our) homes and our community.”

If President Donald Trump gambled that Congress would not formalaize DACA protections, he won “big league.” In fact, he taunted the Democrats on the passing deadline.

And while many immigration activists are angry at Trump and the GOP, the increasing unhappiness with the Democratic Party and its former head is becoming apparent.

“You are losing people in this party,” said Roberto Juarez, an organizer with the Seed Project, which staged Monday’s protest. He held up his voter registration card and recounted his days of working to elect Mr. Obama in 2008.

“I lied to my community because I told them we could pass immigration reform in the first 100 days if we voted him in,” Mr. Juarez said. “What happened? More deportations than any other president.”

Protesters said Democrats had multiple chances to force the issue over the past few months by holding up government funding until legal status was granted.

The news for Trump’s bold inaction on DACA got even better, when a federal judge ruled that the President’s phaseout is legal.

Judge Roger W. Titus, a Bush appointee to the bench in Maryland, said the judges in California and New York who blocked the phaseout attempted to substitute their own judgments for that of the Homeland Security Department, crossing constitutional lines in order to strike at Mr. Trump’s policies.

Judge Titus went even further, praising the Trump administration for the way it handled the situation with a six-month phaseout.

“This decision took control of a pell-mell situation and provided Congress — the branch of government charged with determining immigration policy — an opportunity to remedy it. Given the reasonable belief that DACA was unlawful, the decision to wind down DACA in an orderly manner was rational,” the judge wrote.

Trump also piled on the Democrats with this development.

This weeks is testing the limits of my ability to handle schadenfreude.


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Once again, Trump carries the day.

‘Dreamers’ who are unhappy with the legal limbo in which they find themselves have staged demonstrations against a surprising, new target: Democrats.

Very sensible. The D’rats are blocking progress, and nobody else.

“What happened? More deportations than any other president.”

I like it when my president executes the laws that Congress passed.

Why don’t you, Mr. Juarez, respect those who give their word and then follow through? “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States”

    pfg in reply to fscarn. | March 8, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    What should also be pointed out to Senor Juarez is this additional language of the Constitution, “he [the president] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.” Art. II, section 3.

    Senor Juarez might be interested in knowing that most of the immigration laws that Trump is enforcing were enacted by Congresses controlled by Democrats.

    BobM in reply to fscarn. | March 8, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    Actually, I think the “more deportations” was intended as a dig at Obama rather than Trump. Recall that they are demonstrating against (D)s here, not (R)s.

    Under Obama, the (D)s came up with the meme that Obama was tough against illegal immigration, because, and I quote, he had “deported more than any other president”.

    Which, of course, was lying with statistics. Under Obama, the metrics for counting deportations were changed – ex. : previously if you were caught and turned back at the border it wasn’t counted to run up the numbers, then suddenly it was.

    In this case the lie has backfired with the (D) voter base, since the credulous believed the lie.

Some of my Left-leaning friends refuse to allocate any blame to the Democratic Party, because, after all, Sen. Chuck Schumer said he wanted “a clean bill.”

    ecreegan in reply to Redneck Law. | March 8, 2018 at 5:00 pm

    Saying he wanted “a clean bill” amounts to “I want to legalize the Dreamers in a way that maximizes the number of next-wave illegal immigrants.” You can also translate it “I don’t want to have to pay or compromise.”

I love that photo of the twin babies. Bathos!

Was listening to NPR this morning on the way to work (keeps my blood pressure up) and I heard the most amazing thing from a NPR reporter interviewing Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. Twice.

Martin:…Does he have a point, though? Immigration is an area of federal authority. By restricting the work of immigration officials at the federal level, are you not, in fact, violating federal law?

I was shocked. I expected (and got) the typical (D) weasel words next, but then…

Martin: You can disagree with the law. But are you not breaking the law?

Two in a row. A tiny glimpse of sanity in a crazy news organization. Maybe?

Why is it that the Progressive Fascists can use reconciliation to pass ObamaCare, but Republicans refuse to use it to pass laws that drive a stake thru the heart of Progressive Fascism? No gov benefits for non-citizens. No welfare for those who can work. Make discrimination based on race (affirmative action) illegal. Require ID to vote. End immigration for 20 years. Make illegal immigration a felony and providing aid to illegals a felony.

Illegals are always complaining that deportation breaks up families. They say it’s not fair. But illegal actions have consequences, and we break up families all the time when we send criminals to prison. Yet I don’t hear a lot of sympathy for the families of common criminals.

However, there’s a big difference between the common criminals sent to prison and illegals deported to their countries of origin – the families of the deported can go with them, while the families of those in prison cannot. So if the family of a deportee is “broken up,” it remains broken only because the family elects not to stay together, which is an option they have if they think keeping the family together is important.

clayusmcret | March 9, 2018 at 6:14 am

Dreamers, congratulations! The democrat party now treats you like real citizens. They lie to you, use you for political gain, and then throw you aside the moment your usefulness to them has passed.

buckeyeminuteman | March 9, 2018 at 1:12 pm

Very pleased with POTUS on this. However, the deportations should have started on 6 March. They’re here illegally and Congress didn’t fix the problem. If he doesn’t enforce the current laws, he isn’t doing much better (on enforcing laws) than Obama. He is doing much better in every other area.