Rex Tillerson Courted by University of Texas to be New Chancellor

It seems like it was just last week that Rex Tillerson was relieved of his duties at the State Department, because it was just last week. Even so, Tillerson is already being sought for a new position, this time in academia.

The University of Texas wants him as their new chancellor.

Tim Talliaferro of Texas Monthly reports:

The University of Texas Is Pursuing Rex Tillerson As ChancellorRex Tillerson, who was recently dismissed as President Donald Trump’s secretary of state, is being courted for a new gig closer to home: the top job at the University of Texas System.The Wall Street Journal is reporting, and Texas Monthly has confirmed, that representatives from the University of Texas Board of Regents have approached Tillerson about replacing William McRaven, the retired admiral and current UT chancellor who is leaving in May. Although no formal offer has yet been made, a source close to the search said that there is “heavy interest” in Tillerson, a 1975 graduate of the University of Texas at Austin.“Rex is a solid citizen, very ethical, straightforward, and straight talking,” says Charles Matthews, former general counsel for ExxonMobil and longtime friend of Tillerson’s. “He brings great integrity to whatever he does, and if he were chosen he would be a very, very solid choice.”…It’s hard to say how Tillerson would be received as the UT chancellor. He has no experience in higher education administration…

The fact that Tillerson has no experience in academia actually sounds like a plus. Imagine his reaction the first time left wing students start issuing lists of demands. As a higher education outsider he might actually stand up to them and tell them how ridiculous they sound.

John Bowden of The Hill has more:

University of Texas wants Rex Tillerson as next chancellorSources familiar with the conversations tell the newspaper that the University of Texas has reached out to Tillerson following his firing with the objective of securing the former Exxon CEO as the school’s next chancellor.Several members of a search committee have made “a hard push” to get Tillerson on campus, the Journal reported, and Tillerson is said to have been receptive of the efforts so far…Kent Hance, a former chancellor in the Texas Tech University System, told the Journal that Tillerson’s most attractive qualities to the school were likely his connections to the Texas state government.“The most important aspect of the role is having a relationship with members of the state legislature,” said Hance, who is described as Tillerson’s longtime friend. “He would be great at that.”

Progressive students are probably already planning campus protests to stop the university from hiring Tillerson because he worked for Trump and before that for an oil company.

All the more reason to hire him. Go UT!

Tags: College Insurrection, Rex Tillerson, Texas