Reuters: Trump to Blame for Canada’s Immigration Problem

Canada is apparently struggling with an immigration problem. Our neighbor to the north has reportedly become overwhelmed by illegal border crossings of people seeking refugee status.

According to Reuters, that’s a result of Trump’s crackdown south of the Canadian border.

Anna Mehler Paperny writes:

Collateral damage: How Trump threw Canada’s refugee system into turmoilBuffered by three oceans and the United States to the south, Canada has for decades had the luxury of being able to pick and choose its newcomers. So few asylum seekers crossed the U.S. border illegally over the years that Canada didn’t consistently track the numbers.That has changed dramatically over the past 14 months. U.S. President Donald Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration and his move to strip Haitians, Salvadorans and others of their temporary legal status have had a broad effect on Canada’s refugee system, Reuters interviews with social service providers, government officials and a review of Canadian immigration data show.More than 20,000 people, including thousands of Haitians and Nigerians and hundreds of Turks, Syrians and Eritreans, have crossed the border into Canada illegally over the past year in search of asylum, many fleeing in fear that Trump would deport them to their home countries…Trump’s tougher immigration policies have had a major impact on Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board, which determines refugee claims. It has become so overwhelmed with cases it is ignoring legislated time limits for dealing with them.

See? Trump is the problem. It has absolutely nothing to do with Justin Trudeau.

Oh wait. This January 2017 report from The Guardian is problematic:

Justin Trudeau responds to Donald Trump’s immigration ban by saying refugees are welcome in CanadaJustin Trudeau has responded to Donald Trump’s immigration ban by saying Canada welcomes refugees who have been rejected from the US.The Canadian Prime Minister also said he intends on talking to Mr Trump about the success of the refugee and immigration policy in Canada.Mr Trudeau made the heart felt plea on social media and also uploaded an image of him greeting a Syrian child at Toronto airport.“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada,” he tweeted.

While the liberal media was in the throes of freaking out about Trump’s travel ban, Trudeau was held up as the picture of virtue. This New York Times article is also from January 2017:

In Canada, Justin Trudeau Says Refugees Are WelcomeAs President Trump’s executive order on immigration stranded people around the world and provoked condemnation, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada took to social media to restate the country’s open-door policy.“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith,” Mr. Trudeau wrote on Twitter on Saturday afternoon. “Diversity is our strength.”Another post showed him in photograph with a child, apparently a Syrian refugee who had just arrived, with the caption “#WelcomeToCanada.” The post was shared at least 224,000 times on Twitter.

Now that Trudeau’s policy decision is a problem, it’s somehow Trump’s fault.

Who could have guessed this would happen?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Canada, Haiti, Justin Trudeau, Trump Immigration