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Marquette Profs Claim University Seal is a ‘Microaggression’

Marquette Profs Claim University Seal is a ‘Microaggression’

“Do you know what the Marquette seal looks like?”

The seal features a white explorer among Native Americans. That’s apparently a big problem.

Campus Reform reports:

Marquette forum calls university seal a ‘microaggression’

At a recent forum, Marquette University faculty members declared that the school’s seal is a “microaggression” because it depicts a white explorer being guided by a Native American.

The Marquette University Intercultural Center, which is funded through a combination of tuition and student activity fees, hosted the March 23 event, titled “Men to Men: Responding to Microaggressions and Why They Matter.”

Guided by MU counselor Nicholas Jenkins, the forum began with a discussion of how microaggressions happen, the various types of microaggressions, and how there are targeted microaggressions by whites towards minorities.

At one point, Jenkins suggested that the university seal is a microaggression because one section of it depicts Marquette’s namesake, French explorer Fr. Jacques Marquette, standing in a boat being paddled by a Native American guide.

“Do you know what the Marquette seal looks like? Is that a microaggression?” he asked the audience, which responded with enthusiastic cries of “Yes!”

When Jenkins asked for theories as to why there is even a debate, one audience member speculated that there are many people with “privilege” who fear that “challenging those cultural norms will take away from their power.”


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Have these people not yet figured out that the “micro” in microaggressions means, “trivial, unimportant, not worthy of the time spent discussing it?”

They act as if it means the opposite. It’s quite annoying.

    pilgrim1949 in reply to irv. | March 28, 2018 at 3:56 pm

    My thoughts exactly!

    However, consistently Orwellian of them, to be sure.

    And, ZERO self-awareness to go along with it.

Let’s all pause and shed a micro tear for them.

DieJustAsHappy | March 28, 2018 at 9:14 pm

Born in France, 1636, Jacques Marquette is known for being a Jesuit missionary and discoverer of the Mississippi River. Having entered the Society of Jesus and after twelve years of study and teaching, he was sent by his superiors, in 1666, to Indian missions in Canada.

Over time, he learned to converse fluently in six Native American dialects. While at LaPointe a group of Illinois Indians came to him, asking if he would come and instruct them. A canoe was built for him that took him, a Frenchman, and a young Illinois Indian from whom Fr. Marquette was learning their language.

As a result of his travels, he left descriptions “of villages and customs of the different tribes, the topography of the country, the tides of the lakes, the future commercial value of navigable streams the nature and variety of the flowers and trees, birds and animals.” Exhausted and overtaken by cold, he became quite ill. Later, in 1675, he died near Ludington at the age of 39.
So respected was he by the Indians that they carried his bones to a Mission at Mackinac for burial.

A cause for sainthood has been open for some time. Heroic Virtues of his have been recognized by the Vatican. He is officially recognized as a Venerable Servant of God, notwithstanding any supposed micro-aggressions.

    You must cease and desist in your promulgation of facts. It is getting in the way of The Narrative and creates a microaggression. These microagressions are visible only to select ‘woke’ people so there is no point trying to argue that they do not exist, because that in itself a microaggression against the accuser.


The micro-minded who are alone capable of perceiving the aforementioned micro-aggressions will appreciate the kind and subservient behavior of their bludgeoned-into-compliance audience’s deference to their tender sensitivities.

Not unlike of like all of the Lib race whores who themselves seem to be the only ones that are able to hear those “racists dog whistles” echoing around in the chasms of their otherwise empty minds — and yet find it odd that no one else on the planet hears the same sounds and voices, yes?

I really give a micro crap about this stuff!

[holding my head] This is such madness. We’re breeding mentally ill snowflakes. It’s insanity.