Georgetown Student Wants Ben Shapiro Barred From Giving Speech on Free Speech

The left doesn’t care about free speech. They just want to silence conservatives.

The College Fix reports:

Georgetown student calls for Ben Shapiro to be disinvited from speaking — on free speechA recent student op-ed in Georgetown University’s student newspaper called for student organizations to revoke their speaking invitation to conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro, who is slated to discuss campus free speech issues.The Hoya reported that the Georgetown University College Republicans, the Young America’s Foundation, and the Lecture Fund are co-hosting the event, scheduled for March 21.Shapiro will be discussing free speech on college campuses, and “how he believes it is essential to promote and preserve constructive conversations on college campuses about the pressing issues of our time,” according to the event’s Facebook page.The same day that The Hoya broke the story, Claire Hazbun, a sophomore in the University’s School of Foreign Service, wrote an op-ed in the paper titled “Student Groups Must Disinvite Shapiro.”In the op-ed, Hazbun argued that Shapiro is “openly racist, Islamaphobic and transphobic. Bringing Shapiro, a former editor-at-large of Breitbart News, to Georgetown only normalizes such hate.”Hazbun also pointed to Shapiro’s refusal to address a transgender woman by the woman’s preferred pronouns as further evidence that he should be disinvited, along with a tweet that stated that “Israelis like to build settlements. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage.”

Tags: Ben Shapiro, College Insurrection, Free Speech