Blumenthal, Wasserman Schultz Draft Bullet Control Legislation

The Constitution bars the government from passing laws that prevent us from exercising our natural right to bear arms. Knowing they don’t have a chance of outrightly banning guns, the anti-gun crowd drafted a bill that would require a background check to buy ammunition.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) authored the Ammunition Background Check Act. From The Sun-Sentinel:

Wasserman Schultz dismissed the argument that what she called “common sense gun safety laws” would infringe upon Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.“You do not have the right to bear bullets,” Wasserman Schultz said at a news conference at the Pembroke Pines Police Department, where she was joined by political leaders, a police representative and teachers and students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Wasserman Schultz called the March For Our Lives demonstrations a “launch pad” to begin steps to limit the ways we exercise our second amendment rights. From Local10:

Federal law already prohibits the sale of weapons or ammunition to felons, domestic abusers and dangerously mentally ill individuals.”And yet, unlike firearms purchases, someone who wants to go into a store that sells ammunition can buy as much ammunition as they want without so much as being asked their first name or any other question and walk out,” Wasserman Schultz said.Wasserman Schultz said her bill would close that loophole.”The Ammunition Background Check Act of 2018 that I filed on Thursday, and that is being filed in the United States Senate by Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, will close that gaping loophole to require all buyers of ammunition to undergo an instant background check,” Wasserman Schultz said.She said the law would use the FBI’s instant background check system, which is the same one used for firearms purchases.

WAIT. WAIT A SECOND. It will use the same system that the government uses for background checks on guns. Um, if that’s so then if someone already passed a background check and couldn’t purchase a gun then why would they need bullets?

Also, why would someone purchase bullets if they don’t have a gun? Okay, yes, I know someone could steal a gun and then need to purchase bullets. But they can just as easily have someone buy bullets for them.

Honestly, this is all showboating and an attempt to show people that they’re trying to “do” something.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Wasserman Schultz