ATF Investigating Democrat Congressional Candidate Who Sawed Off an AR-15 to Protest Gun Violence
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ATF Investigating Democrat Congressional Candidate Who Sawed Off an AR-15 to Protest Gun Violence

ATF Investigating Democrat Congressional Candidate Who Sawed Off an AR-15 to Protest Gun Violence

She may have illegally modified the weapon

Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude and ALL the giggles.

Karen Mallard, a Democrat Congressional Candidate from Virginia Beach posted a video of herself sawing off her husband’s AR-15 in protest gun of violence after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

The video was posted on Facebook Wednesday night. where it received more than 1.4 million views

But the internet is forever and some kind soul took the trouble of uploading the video to YouTube:

In a nutshell, Mallard says neither she nor her husband wants the gun in their home anymore, she busts out a grinder, saws off the barrel and part of the handguard, then says she wants to join nutter gun control group, Moms Demand Action.

Many viewers noted that modifying a firearm without the proper permit might not be legal. elaborates:

As numerous individuals pointed out to Mallard on social media once the clip was circulated, many of which she dismissed as “NRA trolls,” the act of creating a short barreled rifle with a barrel less than 16-inches long is strictly regulated under the National Firearms Act.

Those seeking to convert an existing firearm into a SBR need to first submit a Form 1 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives along with the required tax payment which then has to be approved, a process that can take months. Possession of an unregistered NFA item is a felony. The clip ends with the abbreviated barrel still attached to a receiver that was not destroyed in line with ATF specifications.

Though Mallard at first removed the video, she later re-posted it and asserted that she destroyed the gun, saying “I finished the job according to regulation and turned it over to the police.”

Her platform includes universal background checks, a seven-day mandatory waiting period for gun purchases, and a ban on “military-style weapons” and bump stocks.

Virginia Beach local news reported the ATF was “looking into the situation.”

Master Police Officer Tonya Pierce, spokeswoman for the Virginia Beach Police Department, confirmed that the rifle was in the department’s possession. Pierce told 13News Now the ATF was looking into the situation.


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The Packetman | March 9, 2018 at 7:28 am

Trust me … nothing will happen to her.

Oh, she might get a visit from a couple of ATF agents, but she’ll be the recipient of the Dem ‘No intent’ rule …

    MaggotAtBroadAndWall in reply to The Packetman. | March 9, 2018 at 9:13 am

    I don’t know the statute. Her attention grabbing stunt may be illegal. But if so the problem is with the law. Nobody’s liberty is threatened by her stunt. She should not be charged.

    However, the policies she is promoting ARE a direct threat to liberty. She should be crushed at the ballot box for wanting to restrict our rights.

      regulus arcturus in reply to MaggotAtBroadAndWall. | March 9, 2018 at 9:25 am

      Sawing off the barrel of the AR effectively makes it an SBR – short barrel rifle. Any rifle with a barrel shorter than 16 inches qualifies as an SBR, and is restricted under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA). Such weapons must be registered and owners must pay the $200 stamp tax.

      More here:

      Nobody’s liberty is threatened by her stunt.

      Her liberty certainly is. People have been jailed for violation of the NFA.

      The BATF’s prior stated policy has been that intent is not a factor, and to prosecute firearm violations to the maximum extent possible.

      Either the law applies to everyone, or to noone. It is corrupt to merely apply the law to the people not supporting your favored positions.

      The BATF’s prior stated policy has been that intent is not a factor, and to prosecute firearm violations to the maximum extent possible.

      Either the law applies to everyone, or to noone. It is corrupt to merely apply the law to the people not supporting your favored positions.

      The problem is the law. But this law is how Ruby Ridge started.

        buckeyeminuteman in reply to David Jay. | March 9, 2018 at 12:57 pm

        This law is also what led to over 80 deaths at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

        alaskabob in reply to David Jay. | March 9, 2018 at 2:45 pm

        Weaver cut the barrel about 1/8″ too short… not the intent to create a short barrel but did. So… she should get the same treatment… including US Marshals in covert gear shooting up her pets and FBI sharpshooter who was attempting to murder Weaver’s wife and his buddy with one shot as a toofer.

          The Packetman in reply to alaskabob. | March 9, 2018 at 5:11 pm

          The story I heard was that he cut the barrel of a 2 3/4″ chamber shotty down 1/8″ long and the feds put a 3″ shell in the chamber to measure.

      I don’t have a problem with her being charged. She’s running for office and she wants to set policy and write laws for firearms owners. Since she wants millions of us to be held accountable for the actions of a mentally deranged shooter and the failure of law enforcement, she should also be held accountable for her actions.

      If she knew the first thing about firearms, she would have known the only way to destroy a firearm is to completely destroy the receiver. If she’d done her homework, she would have known that she was committing a felony by sawing through the barrel. It doesn’t matter if she later destroyed the receiver, the fact remains that she created a SBR on video and uploaded it to the internet.

      Next to nobody who would like to have an SBR without the government oversight is a threat to the lives or liberties of others, but most don’t make or buy an SBR on the sly, because they know the ATF would drop the hammer if they were discovered. The law is stupid. It should be declared unconstitutional (and would be by any honest court). But it is the law, and you either enforce it or you don’t. Like many laws, “intent” doesn’t count (unless James Comey is investigating you).

    iconotastic in reply to The Packetman. | March 9, 2018 at 10:33 am

    It’s called the David Gregory exception in honor of the Democrat shill who waved a clearly illegal magazine on television but the DC (federal) prosecutor declined to prosecute.

    The same prosecutor later charged and convicted a normal with illegal possession of a muzzle loader bullet (sabot) and an empty shotgun shell. Not ammunition but a casing and a bullet separate without powder or primer.

    As Kurt Schlicter presciently noted–these kommissars don’t hate the NRA, they hate us. Act accordingly.

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to The Packetman. | March 9, 2018 at 11:18 am

    She’s got the Magic “D” after her name; if it was an “R”, the ATF would have Waco’d her ass by now.

Expensive and foolish virtue signaling.

kenoshamarge | March 9, 2018 at 7:52 am

I agree that nothing will happen to her. She’s a Democrat and therefore bullet proof when it comes to breaking the law.

As opposed to Randy Weaver, who allegedly sawed off a shotgun barrel too short.

Nothing will happen to her. Why don’t all these people who no longer wish to own their firearms either turn them in to law enforcement, or sell at a gunshot ? Oh, that’s right – can’t get any social media exposure.

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to OldLawman. | March 9, 2018 at 11:21 am

    More correctly, it was sawing the stock too short by 3/8″ inch, bringing the length under 26″ (some allege that the ATF cut the stock after seizure) and a clerical error about Weaver’s court date that set off the whole chain of events.

This kind of people, the ones who know NOTHING about guns, NOTHING about gun laws and NOTHING about gun safety, they’re the ones who always go for gun control.

I’m going to destroy this gun that I already paid for, that will teach those gun companies.

She cut off the gas tube. Gun can’t fire.

    tom_swift in reply to bob sykes. | March 9, 2018 at 9:38 am

    It can fire, it just can’t cycle by gas power. Next shot would have to be loaded manually—no great feat, but the gun’s no longer semi-auto. It is still an “NFA weapon” by virtue of the short barrel.

      xdevildog in reply to tom_swift. | March 9, 2018 at 9:46 am

      Exactly. Plus it doesn’t matter whether or not it will function or fire. BATFE considers the stripped lower receiver to be the “firearm”. Attached one to an upper receiver with a barrel installed that has a length of less than 16″ and you have an NFA weapon.

      Had she cut completely through the lower receiver first, then she wouldn’t be a prospective felon and could have done whatever she wanted to the barrel.

      Just as a side note, it takes about 15 minutes to remove and replace a damaged barrel, gas block, gas tube and hand guard from a standard AR upper receiver. Just in case you didn’t already know that she is an idiot.

        Gremlin1974 in reply to xdevildog. | March 9, 2018 at 10:01 am

        It actually takes less than a minute, all you have to do is push out 2 pins and attach a new upper receiver to the firearm (the lower receiver) and BINGO done. You can buy upper receivers all day long.

        Also, I have seen a couple of reports that she had her husband buy the firearm just for the stunt, but that has no confirmation whatsoever. But I wouldn’t put it past a liberal idiot.

        Also, anyone else notice that the cops said they had the firearm but not whether it was properly destroyed?

        tom_swift in reply to xdevildog. | March 9, 2018 at 11:09 am

        Had she cut completely through the lower receiver first, then she wouldn’t be a prospective felon

        It’s even sillier than that. If she has another AR lower, she can still be charged, even if the other receiver is wearing its own perfectly legal barrelled upper. (If she spends enough money, she might prevail—see the 1992 case, United States v. Thompson-Center Arms Company.)

        And even sillier, “destroying” the receiver is not merely a simple matter of rendering it unfunctional. ATF can claim that sawing it in half, say, is inadequate, as it can be “readily converted” into a functioning firearm … if one has a welder, and knows how to weld aluminum. It’s ridiculous. But it’s a law (subject, of course, to bureaucratic interpretation), the rest of us are stuck with it, and politicians should be too.

          xdevildog in reply to tom_swift. | March 9, 2018 at 7:20 pm

          True about having another unpopulated lower receiver in her possession along with an upper with a short barrel.

          According to the NFA branch the three torch cut receiver destruction rules apply only to the portion of NFA weapons designated as a receiver by BATFE.

          When I queried the local BATFE regional office about destruction of Class 1 receivers from several mauser type bolt action rifles their response was essentially, “do whatever you like that renders them unusable and mark them as ‘destroyed’ in your bound book”. I settled for one 1/4″ torch cut through the bridge and trigger hanger that completely severed the receivers into two parts, took before and after pictures showing the serial numbers, made the book entries and appended the whole mess to the file on each rifle.

          Abundance of caution. . .

    alaskabob in reply to bob sykes. | March 9, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    Barrel and gas tube cut… rifle will fire single shot. She converted a legal rifle into a short barreled rifle… illegal.

      Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to alaskabob. | March 9, 2018 at 3:18 pm

      One shot is all it takes. Ask the people who got busted for an unregistered machine gun when their rifle/pistol doubled on them due to a worn sear.

    faboutlaws in reply to bob sykes. | March 9, 2018 at 2:45 pm

    It can’t fire semi-automatic, but you can fire single hand loaded shots.

    gbm in reply to bob sykes. | March 9, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    (a) RECEIVERS will be demilitarized by torch cutting in a minimum of two places utilizing a cutting tip that displaces at least one-half inch of metal or crushed to the extent necessary to preclude restoration to a usable condition.
    (b)BOLTS AND BARRELS will be demilitarized by torch cutting utilizing a cutting tip that displaces at least one-half inch of metal or crushed to the extent necessary to preclude restoration to a usable condition.

    Google could have been her friend, government has a manual for that.

If the Dimocrats gave awards for virtue signaling, she’d be a contender for the top prize.

Yes, making a “sawed-off” shotgun or rifle requires payment of $200 to ATF (as well as submission of a form and fingerprints, blah blah), even if the firearm “NFA weapon” is subsequently destroyed or surrendered.

The illogic of such hammerheads demanding more gun control laws when they don’t know what gun control laws we already have may evade D’rats, but some voters may notice.

At least she didn’t hold up an illegal standard capacity magazine on national television

So, according to her, the rifle has a form of mind control which turned her husband into a monster who was a danger to society and her family and community. How enlightening that a weapon like that could have such a power over a person. I cannot imagine what a weak minded person her husband must be to agree to this, virtually calling him a danger to society in the process.

I wouldn’t be surprised that her campaign reimbursed her husband for that rifle, after all it was a campaign stunt, so why should her husband be out that money?

She isn’t in Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi’s class of stupidity, but she is working hard to get there.

It’s not quite Spring and yet the dumbasses are blooming early!

Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae

… at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Two Miramar SWAT officers suspended for heading to Parkland massacre

First responders by proximity.

Two Miramar SWAT officers suspended for heading to Parkland massacre

Would it help if they had declared their unaffiliated status while responding?

The afternoon of the shooting, Miramar police placed the SWAT team on stand-by in case a request came from the Broward Sheriff’s Office to assist. That call for the team never came, Rues said.

The Broward Sheriff seems to be a nexus for the progression that lead to and culminated in the opening and persistence of an abortion field. No crisis, indeed.

While this was a technical violation of the law, no action beyond a warning should be taken.

There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that this woman had no intention of violating the law and, in fact, had no knowledge that the law existed. An investigation, which according to the report is being conducted by BATF, will likely show this. If so, then the US Attorney’s office is unlikely to prosecute. You can’t put every idiot in prison for committing a relatively harmless violation of law unintentionally. Which, given its track record, something that the BATF should take to heart.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Mac45. | March 9, 2018 at 12:24 pm

    Hillary had no intention to hurt anyone either. -Comey

      Mac45 in reply to healthguyfsu. | March 9, 2018 at 3:01 pm

      It is arguable that she DID know that what she was doing was a violation of law. After all, she had taken the training on the handling of classified material.

    tom_swift in reply to Mac45. | March 9, 2018 at 1:20 pm

    You can’t put every idiot in prison for committing a relatively harmless violation of law unintentionally.

    Not according to BATF. It’s a favorite entrapment practice. Lack of intent by the ignorant or the gullible is of no relevance whatever.

    Seriously, if you don’t know about BATF entrapment, you really have to get out more often. It’s not like it’s a big secret; even the MSM knows about it, and has publicized some of the more egregious incidents extensively. The attack on the Davidians was not some rare outlier … it was just bigger, and less successful than usual. In fact, the original intent of the FOPA ’86 was to reign in—at least for a while—BATF’s reign of terror. But the situation became far worse under Obama/Holder. And until Congress does something to protect the public, Congresscritters should have their feet held to the same fire which awaits the rest of us.

      Mac45 in reply to tom_swift. | March 9, 2018 at 3:20 pm

      Take some of the stuff you hear on “conservative” sites with a big grain of salt.

      Historically, the BATF has been overly strict in enforcing federal gun laws. This is true. And, it really has to stop. You know what gets people in to trouble with the BATF? Usually stupidity, on their part. If you can’t buy an AR-15 with a 16″ barrel and a stock the same length as a SIG brace, then an intelligent person should ask why; BEFORE they mount a SIG brace on their rifle and use it as a shoulder stock. Of course, the plethora of You Tube videos showing people how to do this and claiming it is legal don’t help. As you note, there have been some really horrendous incidents, such as the man whose AR-15 style rifle went full automatic and the BASF was never able to show why or to get the weapon to do it again.

      About the Branch Davidians. They caused their own problems, by opening fire on federal LEOs serving a search warrant on a facility which they believed to house heavily armed people. Well, guess what? They were RIGHT. And, the government gave the Davidians a whole 51 days [almost 2 MONTHS] to surrender. They did not. They did not even send the women and 22 of the children [19 were sent out early in the negotiations] to safety. That they were eventually wiped out is totally on their shoulders.

        DaveGinOly in reply to Mac45. | March 10, 2018 at 12:35 am

        Every cop is taught to not make an arrest of a big shot in front of his friends, especially when his friends are armed to the teeth. The ATF did not show up in Waco to arrest the Davidians, they went there to arrest David Koresh. There was absolutely no need to confront everyone on the property. As the local sheriff pointed out, Koresh could have been arrested any morning while jogging alone on a country road out of sight of the compound. ATF went looking for a fight (SWAT tactics and weapons are used when trouble is expected), and got one. Big f’ing surprise.

        alaskabob in reply to Mac45. | March 11, 2018 at 12:43 pm

        Branch Davidian…. “Operation Showtime”. There are major questions of who shot first. Secondly, simple arrests could have been made in Waco and not the dramatic full on assault that started it. As to whether the Davidians had converted rifles to full auto…The melted rifles could be xrayed but that has never been done as I know of. Lastly, we have the BATF raising their flag over the smoldering compound giving high fives. There is also one connecting point to Ruby Ridge. The BATF leader for both…Larry Potts. His actions at Ruby Ridge ruled unconstitutional … his excuse was no judge on site so he could do anything he wanted. Excessive force and theatrics for both Ruby Ridge and Waco. Government out of control.

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to Mac45. | March 9, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    Randy Weaver was unavailable for comment. As has been noted elsewhere, “intent don’t mean diddly”.

    The Packetman in reply to Mac45. | March 9, 2018 at 5:22 pm

    “There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that this woman had no intention of violating the law and, in fact, had no knowledge that the law existed.”

    That is absolutely not the point and you know it. There are too many people who have served prison time for actions every bit as innocuous as Mallards … the only difference is that she will skate. And make no mistake about it, it is the firearm community who have shamed the ATF into doing anything at all, and when they decline to press charges the cat will come a little further out of the bag.

    And Normies are noticing …

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Mac45. | March 9, 2018 at 6:39 pm

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse and never has been, well until Hillery.

It would be awesome for a gun control nut like her to be charged with a violation of gun safety laws.

If my wife ever did that to one of my guns I couldn’t describe the marital stress she would endure.

Ruby ridge was all about sawing off a shotgun. A child a dog and a young mother were killed by the FBI as a result of this entrapment.

“Videotaping our crime spree was the smartest thing we ever did.” The Simpsons.