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American U. Hosting Safe Space Pool Party for LGBT Students

American U. Hosting Safe Space Pool Party for LGBT Students

“Anyone who chooses to disrupt this space will be removed”

We haven’t heard much about safe spaces in the last several months so I was hoping the concept had fallen out of favor, but alas. Notice that anyone who disrupts will be removed. The left doesn’t like it when people mess with their events.

The College Fix reports:

American University to host ‘Safe Space Pool Party’

American University will soon hold its inaugural “Safe Space Pool Party” designed specifically for members of LGBT community at the school.

The event is co-hosted by American University’s own Recreational Sports and Fitness Center, as well as by the school’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion, according to a tweet sent out by the school’s recreation center.

“Come celebrate the beauty, diversity, and resilience of the LGBT+ community here at American University with RecFit and the CDI. We hope you can join us for friends, snacks, and a movie,” the event’s Facebook page also states.

Its description then goes on to issue something of warning to non-LGBT individuals.

“Non-LGBT+ friends and allies are welcome to attend, but please keep in mind that this space is first and foremost intended for the LGBT+ community. Anyone who chooses to disrupt this space will be removed,” it states.


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Innocuous by itself though the warning to people who aren’t members of the privileged elite (LGBT+), with the assumption that they want to “disrupt” is ominous. Sounds remarkably intolerant, in fact.

johnnycab23513 | March 25, 2018 at 2:29 pm

That sounds like profiling normal people to me. I thought profiling was a bad thing.

Given what we know often goes on at LGBT “pool parties,” I’m not sure too many heterosexuals–friendly or not–will be attending this event.

I have no idea what goes on at LGBT pool parties, but I thought the idea of pool parties was inherently non-PC — all of the body shaming/fat shaming by bikinis and other swim suits.