Student Activists at Rutgers Get ICE to Drop Out of Campus Government Jobs Fair

Under Trump, the left has decided that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is an evil organization. The agency has existed since 2003 but progressives act as if it was born after election day in 2016.

Rutgers University in New Jersey recently held a public service and government jobs fair. Student activists calling themselves “RU Dreamers” successfully got ICE to drop out of the event.

NBC News in New York reports:

ICE Backs Out of NJ College Career Fair After Pressure from StudentsFacing pressure from students and administrators, Immigration and Customs Enforcement backed out of an appearance at a local college’s career fair, according to reports.ICE said it “voluntarily withdrew from participation” at a Rutgers University — Newark career fair, WNYC reports. The agency said, “it is unfortunate that the university is disregarding the needs of those students who seek a career with ICE.”Rutgers University — Newark is one of the most ethnically diverse campus in the country.An online petition by RU Dreamers, a group of unauthorized immigrants and their allies, called for the university to withdraw its invitation for ICE to participate in the college’s “Government and Public Service Career Fair” scheduled for Wednesday…According to Rutgers officials, the university did not withdraw ICE’s invitation, but rather ICE decided to not participate, reports.”After conversation with Rutgers-Newark student affairs leadership, the local ICE legal research office concluded that their presence at the career fair at this point would run counter to their goals to recruit students at this event and to the spirit of the event, so they withdrew from participation,” said Peter Englot, Rutgers-Newark’s senior vice chancellor for public affairs and chief of staff, according to

The petition which prompted this, boasts that 139 supporters made it possible. Here’s the entire text:

Petition to DISINVITE I.C.E to the “Government & Public Service” RU- N Career FairOn Wednesday, February 21, 2018, the Career Development Center is hosting the “Government and Public Service” Career Fair at Rutgers University- Newark Campus. One of the employers in attendance will be the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (I.C.E.). The increasingly hostile political and social environment regarding immigration has cultivated fear and anxiety amongst members of our society. The invitation to I.C.E. challenges the proactive and inclusive stance the RU-N has taken in fostering safety, support, and diversity in our community.Upholding the invitation to I.C.E. would create an unsafe and exclusive environment for students. Here are some of the following reasons serving as well-founded corroboration:1. The invitation to provide a platform to I.C.E on school premises creates an intolerable and unsafe environment for students.2. Career fairs are intended to promote an inclusive environment for all members of the Rutgers community; moving forward with this decision would alienate (undocumented) students from access to an incredible experience, hindering professional and academic opportunities. 3. Students with traumatic, personal experiences regarding I.C.E would be emotionally distressed.

All the talk about feeling unsafe and emotionally distressed is a ruse. This is about one thing – politics. People on the left despise ICE as a symbol of Trump because he is letting them do their job.

Tags: College Insurrection, Trump Immigration